How to Get Ready for Your First Ski Trip

Are you excited about the thought of taking your first ever ski trip? If you are, then you’re in luck because you’re about to have the best time you’ve ever had.

A ski trip is so far and away from a beach vacation and it’s going to be hard for you to switch back to relaxation vacation mode when you compare it to the adrenaline push you’re about to have! A ski trip is an exciting prospect and you’re going to have a great time, but only if you’re ready for it. So, let’s take a look at how you can get ready for your first ever ski trip.

Image source: Pexel

Start packing a ski bag. If you are bringing your own equipment rather than hiring skis and clothing, then you need to buy a ski bag to pack your things into. Without a ski bag, you’re going to find it hard to transport your skis with you. Ski bags are good for access to your skis and you know they’ll be travelling without scratches and scrapes, too. 

Get your clothes ready. You need to think about buying the right clothing for the slopes so that you can be sartorially comfortable. For example, instead of the cheap gloves you may use at home, you might want to invest in womens thermal gloves from HeatHolders instead so that you can keep your head in the game while you sail down mountains. You should have waterproof ski jackets and salopettes, but your hat, gloves and scarf should also be thermal in nature to keep that heat in!

Pack good boots for when you’re off the mountain. Investing in a good pair of sturdy, waterproof boots will help you to navigate the snow. You can’t just clunk around in your ski boots as they’re not really designed for shopping and dining in. You want to go for comfort and warmth and that means staying away from the standard Uggs, too, as otherwise, they’re going to get soaked.

Put together a packing list. It’s much easier to get ready for a ski trip when you have a list to follow. You’ll need goggles, thick socks, ear protection, eye protection and the standard towels and makeup kit, too. Your ski adventure isn't just about being on the slopes but about those Apres ski parties and meals out, too. Wherever you’re going, bring a translation book with you so that you can order food, or ask for help if you need it. If it’s your first ever trip, make sure that you have communicated with the accommodation, too, to see whether you can upgrade or whether there is anything specific you should bring with you. 

Don't forget about layering. While you’re buying all of your warm clothing, don't forget about your flannels! You need to make sure that you have thermal layers on so that you can keep the heat in as much as possible. You have to remember that the weather and temperatures wherever you go are going to truly drop more than you can anticipate and layering is vital. What if you get lost as you’re skiing? The last thing that you want to do is find that you’re too cold and you can’t move, so layer up and you’ll avoid any issues. 

Learn about altitude sickness. Learning how to avoid altitude sickness is a must for going up mountains. You have to learn what the symptoms look like. Bad headaches and fatigue are, yes, associated with feeling unwell, but you don't want to find yourself feeling that way up on a high mountain. Drinking lots of water and limiting alcohol before you go on the slopes is smart! 

Bring snacks. Protein heavy, carb heavy snacks will help to avoid hunger when you’re on the slopes. It makes all the difference to your energy levels, also, so make a point of bringing electrolyte drinks, jerky and other high protein options. Bring a bottle of water, too, that you can clip to your ski suit. That way if you have to pause on your way down the slopes, you can sip as you ski.

With the right preparation and planning, your ski trip is going to be one that you never ever forget. You’ll feel freedom like you’ve never experienced and you can bet that you’ll never experience anything like it again. Those beach vacations are going to be a thing of the past once you experience skiing for the first time!


  1. I've never been skiing, but we are planning on going to Lake Tahoe this winter.

  2. Great tips for prepping for a ski trip. I especially like the packing advice - definitely helpful for first-timers who aren't sure where to start.

  3. These are great to save because skiing is on my bucket list. I just need to overcome the fear of spluttering my brains on Ce, like I overcame the fear of bicycling at 40 years!

  4. I was in ski club in school. I haven't been on skis since, so idk if I'd still love it or not. I am grown weary of the cold and prefer warm weather vacations over the snowy ones, but I have entertained the idea of getting the family on the slopes when we travel to Colorado. Jason would probably snap an ankle though and I'd never hear the end of it LOL

  5. These are all such great tips and great information. I am actually trying to plan my first trip at the end of February with a group of friends. We are so excited!

  6. I haven't been skiing since I was a kid, and I don't do well in the cold weather. It is good to be prepared -- thanks for the tips!

  7. Don't know how to ski. I would be so nervous.


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