Wednesday, July 31, 2024

CatLadyBox for July

Disclosure: I received a sample product or a discount code to use towards the purchase of one. All opinions stated are genuine and my own.

Cat Lady Subscription Box 

I've loved all of my CatLadyBox deliveries but this is tied for the top spot as my favorite. Everything in here is so cute. I have wooden cat clips and a note pad for my classroom, slippers (with removable dusters on the bottom), a t-shirt and an ice cube paw print mold for home, and 2 cat toys for our feline family member, Honey, including one on a stick with a long string, which is her favorite kind of cat toy.

Christmas in July: Joy to the World

Let’s talk about Joy to the World Collectibles!

Thursday, July 25, 2024

An Exploration Into How To Get The Most Out Of Baltimore, Maryland

This is a collaborative post. Planning a US summer road trip is exciting. With so many diverse landscapes to see, amazing attractions to visit, and incredible food to try, the US is a great place to take a car and go on a road trip adventure.

While the more-popular cities like NYC and LA are great places to visit, they are becoming overcrowded. How about adding Baltimore to your radar? Baltimore is a great place for a road trip if you enjoy the rich history and special waterfront views. The reduced crowds (compared to NYC and LA) make this city more pleasurable for spending time and relaxing.

Let’s dive in and explore the best way to experience Baltimore.

Photo by Styves Exantus:

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

(not exactly) Wordless Wednesday: End-of-Year Gift from a Student


My first year of teaching was hard. 
The ones in the middle were amazing. 
And then last year, I switched school districts to be closer to home and once again, it was hard.

In one of my Intensive classes, there was a young lady who was very bright, but her native language was Vietnamese and she was just learning to speak English. She worked harder than anyone else and got a 2 on her preliminary state test. She wanted a 3 (proficient). We kept working at it. I'd pull up a desk next to hers and we'd work things out that she was struggling with... and she caught on fast!  She just needed clarification. English can be difficult if it's not your first language. There are a lot of tricky things to figure out.

When she took the final state test, the one that counted, she got a 3. This is a student who never did anything outside of the 'rules' and students are technically not supposed to go to other classrooms when it is not their designated class time (although they do it anyway... but she never did). The day she passed she ran into my room (when it wasn't her class time) so very happy and excited to have earned her 3. 

"I did it. I got a 3!" she said, her eyes sparkling and her smile as genuine and wide as it could get. She was so happy she was practically bouncing into my room on her toes.

I get choked up months later, just thinking about it because that's how education is supposed to be. She wanted to learn and she appreciated being taught.

Fast forward to the last few weeks of school. She'd finish her work early and ask permission to crochet the last few minutes of class. Easy 'yes' from me. Every day she'd pull out her pink yarn and crochet a little. I though it was cute, not many students crochet (actually, I've never seen any crochet).

The last day of school she stayed after class, presented me with the bouquet of flowers she had been making for me, and asked to take a picture with her, me, and the flowers. Oh my...

Regardless of how the majority of the year went...there were moments... and this is one of my favorite teacher memories from any year.

'Bloom where you are planted' has never held more significance. 🌹

Monday, July 22, 2024

A Quick Guide to Planning a Romantic Honeymoon Getaway

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post.

 Photo by Oleksandr P:

Planning a romantic honeymoon getaway is one of the most exciting parts of wedding preparations. It’s the perfect opportunity to relax, celebrate your new life together, and create lasting memories. To ensure your honeymoon is as magical as possible, here are some essential tips to help you plan the perfect trip.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday: Mackinac Island Bike Ride


He doesn’t have a care in the world because cars are not allowed on Mackinac Island. ❤️

Mackinac Island has a small, year-round population of approximately 500 residents who help maintain the island’s unique character and keep essential services running. The best time to visit, however, is during the warmer months. This is when you'll find the island bustling with activity, and everything will be open for business (definitely not the case in the winter)

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Online Businesses Don't Need To Be A Hassle

Disclosure: this is a collaborative post.

If you are trying to set up an online business then it doesn’t have to be as tricky as you might think. It is actually much easier to start an online business compared to a bricks and mortar company. You are also being kinder to the planet and there will be less carbon footprint with an online start up. If you are unsure of the steps to take when it comes to starting your very own online business then take a look at the article below.

Pexels CCO License

Friday, July 5, 2024

4 Things To Do When You Visit China

Disclosure: this is a collaborative post

If you are planning to visit China soon, then there are a whole host of things that you can do. A lot of people don’t think about China when they think about places to travel as they assume that there isn’t much there, but they are wrong. The good news is that we’re here to set you straight, giving you some ideas of fun things that you can do if you were to visit this great country. So, let’s get started.

Source Location - CC0 License

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Grandma's Know Best: Wordless Wednesday

 My grandma always said, 'Love a person for what is inside because beauty is skin deep and it's fleeting.'
 I had no idea what she meant. 🤣🤣🤣

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Happy 12th Anniversary to Mail4Rosey

Dear Readers!

It's that time of year again where mail4rosey is fortunate enough to celebrate another milestone. Can you believe another year has gone by so quickly?? Today is our 12-year BLOGIVERSARY!

The blog is very different now than it used to be. The biggest difference is that 3 of the 4 children are grown and have kids of their own!! But upon reflection, it is true that I still care about the same things that I did when I started it, faith & family. After all these years though, and all of the things we have gone through, good (and bad, because life is never 100% easy), I appreciate those things even more. I suspect that will always be the case. The longer we live, the more we appreciate what's truly important. I think that's a good thing. 💕

Per usual, I am offering a $100 Amazon Gift Card giveaway. Thank you for being an integral part of our story. Here's to many, many more. 🤞

Good luck to all who enter. 

With heartfelt gratitude, 


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, July 1, 2024

Dear Lady on Social Media who Lost a Child to Fentanyl

As many of you know, I am a teacher. Last year, I decided to switch school districts to be closer to home. I applied at an elite school that everyone wants their child to be in, and to say it was quite the change is an understatement, some in good ways (hardly any fights) and others that were appalling (prejudice and entitlement).