Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Happy 12th Anniversary to Mail4Rosey

Dear Readers!

It's that time of year again where mail4rosey is fortunate enough to celebrate another milestone. Can you believe another year has gone by so quickly?? Today is our 12-year BLOGIVERSARY!

The blog is very different now than it used to be. The biggest difference is that 3 of the 4 children are grown and have kids of their own!! But upon reflection, it is true that I still care about the same things that I did when I started it, faith & family. After all these years though, and all of the things we have gone through, good (and bad, because life is never 100% easy), I appreciate those things even more. I suspect that will always be the case. The longer we live, the more we appreciate what's truly important. I think that's a good thing. 💕

Per usual, I am offering a $100 Amazon Gift Card giveaway. Thank you for being an integral part of our story. Here's to many, many more. 🤞

Good luck to all who enter. 

With heartfelt gratitude, 


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Happy birthday, thanks for the great content!

  2. ♪♫Happy Anniversary to you,♪♫
    ♪♫Happy Anniversary to you,♪♫
    ♪♫Happy Anniversary Dear Mail4Rosey, ♪♫
    ♪♫Happy Anniversary to you.♪♫

  3. That’s amazing-12 years! Congratulations and thank you for all the giveaways!

  4. Happy Blogiversary! Congratulations on such a long run!

  5. Happy Blogoversary - and here's to many more.

  6. Happy 12th year blogiversary!

  7. 12 years is so amazing! HUGE happy anniversary to the blog. Here's to many more years of amazing work!

  8. Happy 12 year blogiversary! I remember finding you when the blog fist started. I can't wait to see what happens in the next 12 years!

  9. 12 years and going strong! Here's to many, many more years of blogging awesomeness. Congrats!

  10. Wow, 12 years has flown by! Congratulations on this exciting anniversary celebration!

  11. Happy 12-year Blogiversary...This is amazing...Cheers to another 12 years of continued success....

  12. Happy 12th Blogiversary! 🎉 It's incredible to see how your blog has evolved over the years, reflecting your enduring values of faith and family. Your journey and insights are truly inspiring. Here's to many more years of sharing and celebrating life's milestones. And thank you for the generous giveaway – good luck to everyone who enters! 💕

  13. Wow, well done on blogging for 12 years - such a great thing to be doing. This really is a very generous giveaway! Keep up the good work!

  14. Happy Anniversary! congrats that's amazing!

  15. Happy 12th year blogging anniversary. That's quite a milestone to reach.

  16. That went by fast! I remember when you started this blog. So happy you are still here because so many others are now gone.

  17. Congrats!!!! Celebrating 12 years is such a milestone! Your reflections on this journey are heartfelt and inspiring, reminding us all of the importance of commitment and love to something we enjoy.

  18. Happy 12th blogiversary! Time really does fly. Here's to many more wonderful years ahead! Good luck to everyone entering the giveaway.

  19. 12 years of this blog is truly amazing! A massive congrats!

  20. That's amazing. 12years? wow. you must be proud!! Congratulations.

  21. Congratulations on this achievement. I know it takes lot of effort.
    Shilpa Bindlish

  22. Happy Birthday and thsnks gor your generosity!

  23. Congratulations on your 12th Blogiversary, Rosey! It’s amazing to see how your blog has evolved over the years, especially with your family growing alongside it. Your dedication to faith and family is truly inspiring.

  24. Congrats on the anniversary! I love contests!

  25. Congrats on a wonderful anniversary! That is a long time to be running a blog. Thanks for the giveaway!

  26. Happy 12 years birthday! What an achievement. Well done ! - kira

  27. congratulations - such a wonderful achievement!! and thank you for the giveaway.. fingers crossed for it

  28. Wow Rosey, I can't believe it's your 12 year blog anniversary! It's such an accomplishment. I remember when your little guy was small! Wishing you many more years of blog happiness.

  29. Wow! 12 years is amazing. Happy Anniversary! Looking forward to more of your post in the years to come.

  30. Congratulations and that's amazing! Happy 12th Blog-Anniversary Mail4Rosey! More blessing and years to come!

  31. Happy Blogiversary. Congrats on 12 years.

  32. Hi Rosey - happy 12th anniversary for you and your blog ... I enjoy popping over - cheers Hilary

  33. Happy Blogiversary!!!!! I so love you guys and have followed you for years now!
    heather hgtempaddy

  34. Love you guys, Happy Blogiversary , I left a comment but I don't see it.
    heather hgtempaddy

  35. Happy Blogiversary ! Great Blog

  36. Happy 12 year Anniversary! I love visiting your blog!

  37. I have been following for years! Happy blog birthday!

  38. Cheers to 12 years! I probably say it every year, but I am sooo grateful for the friendship we have developed through those years. I once had someone make the comment that I couldn't really be friends with an internet friend, but I think I've had more real and honest conversations with you and Dezzy than people I see in person regularly so their opinion is trash. Here's to 12 more years of blogging (if you still enjoy it that long, that is LOL), but I feel you and I will be friends long after one or both of us throw in the towel on blogger (even if I SUCK at message response times).

    1. Yes, the blog is an aside at this point. :) I like ya with or without your awesome recipes going up over there every Friday. :)

  39. Happy belated blogversary! Here's to 12 more!

  40. Happy 12 years of a blog! That is pretty amazing!

  41. Happy 12 years! That is a great accomplishment. Hopefully there will be many more.

  42. Happy 12 year Blogiversary, Mail4Rosey!! That's such a great giveaway....good luck to all who enter!


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