(Almost) Wordless Wednesday: 2 Weeks in Utah

Just taking a walk?! Are you even kidding me!

My youngest and his dad spent two weeks wandering around Utah. Some places are so pretty they don't even look real. If you are headed out west, don't overlook Utah as a wonderful vacation destination, especially true if you love to be outside. I thought these photographs of their trip was outstanding! 

Side note: There are 5 national parks in Utah. Only California and Alaska have more.

Somewhere by Zion

   Zion National Park, Utah

Watch where you step.

 The Narrows
 Zion National Park, Utah

River Walking in The Narrows

River Rafting (Go Pro still frames, so blurry, but the video is nice)

Canyonlands National Park, Utah

Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Coming Across Waterfalls and Caves as a Norm 

Historical Landmark: Butch Cassidy's Childhood Home

Prehistoric Rock Carvings

Bryce Canyon National Park


  1. It's a beautiful state and hubby and I enjoyed visited there very much. So many beautiful places.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday and rest of the week, my friend. ♥

  2. Beautiful photos. It looks like you had a great time.

  3. I have a blog friend in Utah and he shows some incredible sights. I am glad that you got to visit - and marvel.

  4. I enjoyed the photos Rosey looks lovely there fab scenery too, wish we got that weather in London ha :-)

    Have a canyontastic week 👍

  5. Been to Utah and yes, beautiful state. Your husband and son had the trip of a lifetime.

  6. Very beautiful country down there.

  7. Zion is a place that I have been wanting to visit. You have convience me to go.

  8. You can't beat the views in Utah. Such amazing geography. The rock formations are fanastic.

  9. How pretty! I've always admired Utah. It's just gorgeous. I love your photos.

  10. These photos are stunning, Rosey!
    Utah is now on my travel bucket list.
    The Narrows and rock carvings are especially intriguing.
    I just watched a Hallmark movie set in the Zion National Park!

    Thanks for sharing! 😊

    Veronica Lee

  11. This sounds like a great place to visit. I haven’t been to Utah. I might have to go one of these days.

  12. Wow. So beautiful. I've always wanted to visit Zion. What was your favorite part of the trip?

    1. I don't know, I didn't go. It was my teen and his dad who went. The pictures are gorgeous though!

  13. I love the Canyonlands National Park. What a stunning view, standing on the highest cliff and waiting for the sunrise or sunset. That's awesome.

    1. I want to experience the thrill of a river rafting especially in The Narrows, Zion National Park, Utah, I guess the scenery of nature along the river bank is stunning.

  14. This is amazing! I just love seeing these landscapes. It is a dream of mine to see Utah and Zion Park one day in the future!

  15. Wow it all looks absolutely incredible . What an experience and such an amazing place to explore - kira

  16. What a beautiful place to visit. That is part of the country I have yet to go to. Thanks for the review.

  17. Utah is on the top of the bucket list for us! I loved seeing all your pics and tips! So amazing!

  18. Those views! You got some gorgeous imagery! We love it out west.

  19. I've never been to Utah. This is stunning...I would love to spend a few weeks exploring this beautiful state, this summer I hope.

  20. Thank you for sharing your Utah adventure! The photos are stunning and really make me want to plan a trip there with my family.

  21. Utah is just incredible! Looks like an amazing hike through the Canyon...truly an unforgettable experience!

  22. These photos are amazing. I would love to go there and enjoy the hiking and all of the beautiful scenery.

  23. The photos are gorgeous! Zion National Park sounds very interesting!

  24. I have always loved the look of Utah. If I am ever in the US I will certainly visit

  25. It is my dream to get an RV and travel to all of the National Parks. These pictures are incredible and I have to chekc out Utah for sure!

  26. I don't mind spending some walk on that beautifyl scene!! Canyonlands National Park is soo beautiful!!

  27. I would love to visit the Zion National Park. Looks so beautiful!

  28. Wow, these landscapes are incredible! I'm so captivated by them. It's been a while since I've visited Utah, I need to make a trip soon and to Zion Park !

  29. Hi Rosey - so wonderful father and son could have this trip - and yes Utah with its landscapes looks amazing ... I'd love to visit, yet must make do with little old England! Brilliant memories for them - and for you to hear them chatter about their time there. Delightful to see - cheers Hilary

  30. What a fantastic time it looks like he had! I haven't been to Utah yet. but definitely want to go! Thanks for sharing these amazing pics of his trip. I hope it was a memorable vacation for him!

  31. Absolutely beautiful photos! We want to visit the National Park in Utah next year!

  32. What a fantastic place to visit. These pictures are just stunning.
    heather hgtempaddy


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