Wordless Wednesday: Look a Little Closer

Photo Credit: Unknown (it's a photo circulating around various social media channels)

At last, she finally found her iPad 🠝😂


  1. Haha it blends in well with the seat took me a while to spot it :-)

    Have a tablettastic week Rosey 👍

  2. Blends right in. I had to look very closely.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Hugs. ♥

  3. LOL!! I admit it took me a while to understand the photo - thanks for the laugh. Stephanie

  4. I suspect it would have taken me quite some time to find it.

  5. Ha Ha ... it's one reason why I often chose a colour, rather than black ... doesn't get lost in any black-hole I'm carting around! Cheers and Happy New Year - Hilary

  6. I saw it, but it really did blend well.

  7. It took me FOREVER to finally see it!

  8. Interesting photo ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. Oof. Not the best place for your tablet if you don't want it crushed. LOL

  10. It doesn't matter if it's a different color or design – in my house, any iPad left unattended always ends up with someone's butt on it! 🍑😅

    Veronica Lee

  11. Haha, this would be me searching for my iPad everywhere. As a matter of fact, I have been searching for my Apple Watch for days now! Maybe I should check my car.

  12. That is some serious camouflage, like a chameleon. I would totally have sat on that and not noticed. Hope you have a nice week!

  13. I had to look for a few minutes to see, that is what would happen to me

  14. LOL I only saw it because you mentioned it. Blends in perfectly.

  15. Oh my gosh! I didn't notice until I read it. This made my day. Lol!

  16. Haha, this made my day! I can totally relate to the "searching for the iPad" struggle. It's like a treasure hunt sometimes.

  17. Haha, this made my day! I can totally relate to the "searching for the iPad" struggle. It's like a treasure hunt sometimes.

  18. It would have taken me a moment to find it as well!

  19. Damn.. I had to look for a few mins too but still I found the tablet after I read the last line... I am really going blind.

  20. Wishing you a fantastic week filled with tablet adventures, Rosey! 👍

  21. I had to really look close at the photo! Better to get a different colour case!

  22. Oh goodness! I wouldn't would never have found it until I sat on it xD Which has happened more than I'd like to admit with my reading glasses...

  23. Hahaha, that took me a few seconds to figure it out, but when I did, I chuckled a little bit. Remind me not to have my iPad the same color as my car seats. Thanks for the laugh!

  24. I almost missed that. It is really well camouflaged on the seat of the car.

  25. Jason would do that but he'd never find it. I'd sit on it and break it then hand it to him with an "ooops" LOL

  26. It took me far too long to notice the ipad! I'd get a different case if I were you.

  27. Haha, that really has camouflaged. If the line of text hadn't been there I may not have seen it right away x

  28. She needs a different colour case.

  29. Oh wow hahaha. As soon as I saw the word iPad, I found it. It blends really well.

  30. Oh my goodness..... that is so something I would do. I menqa it blends right in that is for sure! Glad you found it!

  31. That's such a funny photo and definitely something my own daughter would be guilty of!

  32. LOL if I don't read the caption I don't realize the iPad there.

  33. OMG, hahaha! I so get it how she missed it the first time and the next!

  34. It took some time to notice as well. Blended so well lol people would sit on it and not notice. But good she found tthe iPad


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