---Why Your Kids Might Not be Sleeping Enough

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Sleep is a hugely important factor in anyone’s life, and something that you absolutely need to make sure that you are getting enough of if you want to be generally healthy and well. Without enough sleep, it is going to be a lot more difficult to look after yourself, and your body and mind will both suffer somewhat as a result of this. The same is true for your kids, and if you are keen on making sure that your children are well looked after, you will want to make sure they are sleeping as well as possible. Here are some of the possible reasons why they might not be.

The Bed Isn’t Comfortable Enough

First of all, one of the most common and most likely reasons why your children might not be sleeping well enough could be that their bed simply isn’t comfortable enough. This is a real problem that will affect anyone’s sleep, but the good news is that it is simple enough to fix. Generally you can improve their bed by making sure that they have a comfortable mattress and that the bed is free of nuisances like bed bugs. Call in a bed bug exterminator to make sure that their beds are free of such pests.

They Are Over-Energetic

Sometimes your children will be struggling to sleep simply because they have too much energy and they are not able to really sit still all that easily. When this is the case, you will know because they will be constantly trying to delay their bedtime, or they’ll keep on waking up again and again when they should be sleeping. If your kids are over-energetic, it might simply mean that they need a little more exercise, so that is something that you should always consider for them as well, and it could be all you really need to do to help them.

Something Is Affecting Their Mood

We often forget that children can be subject to the same kinds of moods as adults, and sometimes even more strongly. If they are not sleeping well, therefore, it can also be that they are experiencing certain issues with their mood, and that this therefore needs looking into in order to help them to sleep more effectively. For instance, they might be a little depressed, anxious, or worried about something. It’s a good idea to speak to them to see whether any of this applies, and if so then you can be sure that they are going to need your help with those issues if they are going to get off to sleep more easily.

It’s Too Hot

Finally, the temperature is another major thing that can make for a troublesome time in bed. If it is too hot, most kids will find it a lot harder to get to sleep, so this is something that you should look into if you are keen on trying to help them out. Do whatever you can to cool their room down and you should find that this helps.


  1. It's been so hot here lately. My older son's room is the hottest in the house so we recently bought him some black-out curtains to try to keep the summer sun out.

  2. Yes, all of these are valid reasons for kids not getting enough sleep. I can tell who doesn't get enough sleep in school. Some even fall asleep in class.

  3. I didn't sleep enough when I was a kid. I thought it was a waste of time when I could be playing with toys or watching cartoons. LOL

  4. It's hot in my country so from time to time we open the aircon so that our kids can get some comfy sleep :) Sleep is so important, you can never get enough as you get older.

  5. Such a very essential post that every parents should know and must consider. As an amazing sleep for our kids will help them develop their being and this will be halted by not having a good sleep.

  6. Moods affect my kids sleep so much. And summer is here too so the hot weather does not help either.

  7. My son struggles with anxiety and it really affects his sleep.

  8. These are all really good reasons why my son is not getting enough sleep specially lately. I think it started when he lost his dog.

  9. Yes, and if they don't sleep at night they sleep during the day which means they wont sleep at night again :(

  10. My kids are all over the place with their sleep schedules, especially now during all the summer activities and travel.

  11. I will forward this post to my cousin. This will help her figure out why my nephew is having trouble sleeping. Thank you!

  12. In the summer it's usually the last reason, because it’s too hot. It affect me as well.

  13. Yyyeeeaaaahhhhh...two nights ago, I just couldn't sleep in peace. It was simply unbearably hot!

  14. Kids need a good night sleep every night, especially if they have school the following morning. Finding the cause of their sleepless night is crucial for overall mental and physical health.

  15. I guess this is also applicable even to us adults! A good sleep is really needed so we can totally have our mind and body rest which is inline with our physical and mental health. - Chik


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