Disclosure: I received a free product or a discount code to use towards the purchase of one.
The beauty of Teleflora (besides their gorgeous bouquets and containers) is that you can. still order from them and have a big, beautiful bouquet of flowers delivered to someone by Valentine's Day!! Check the link to see...some locations have same day delivery (though I recommend ordering earlier for your own peace of mind).
The second thing I love about them is their fantastic ads!! Watch the YouTube video above to see the current one, hosted by Emmy award-winning host, comedian, and author Loni Love. Watch the heartwarming moments of how flowers and a special gesture can bring people together and start a movement. As Love journeys around the city, something beautiful happens--women start complimenting one another and the rest is all smiles and tears. It's uplifting and positive, and I love everything about it. I think it is time to love out loud.
Teleflora's Wild Romance Bouquet is perfect for Valentine's Day. The swirling stained glass mosaic vase is so very perfect for a keepsake you can use long after the holiday has passed. I think this is one of the prettiest containers I've seen in a long time. I'd use this for a lot of things, not just (but including) flowers. The bouquet is lovingly created with pink spray roses, red alstroemeria, red carnations, miniature pink carnations, dusty miller and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in Teleflora's Precious in Pink cylinder.
This is the one I would have sent to my mom. I had a Teleflora bouquet delivered to her every Valentine's Day (and every Mother's Day). She's passed now, but I have happy memories of her (often but definitely this time of year) on Valentine's Day as I remember how much these flowers meant to her. She loved to show them off to her friends. You know, half the joy of getting flowers is having people know about them. 😉💓 ThisHeart Shine Bouquet features red roses, white alstroemeria, miniature red carnations, white spray chrysanthemums, white wasflower, spiral eucalyptus, pitta negra and lemon leaf, all encased in the pretty red Enchanted Gem cylinder.
The Love's Reflection Bouquet is housed in a vintage keepsake vase that incorporates a diamond-cut pattern which sparkles in the light. It's the perfect presentation for this flirtatious pink rose bouquet that is created with hot pink roses, miniature pink carnations, dark pink alstroemeria and light pink spray roses are arranged with parvifolia eucalyptus, dusty miller and variegated pittosporum.
Teleflora's Sophisticated Love Bouquet dazzles with red roses, miniature red carnations, pink alstroemeria, white cushion spray chrysanthemums, pink sinuata statice, leatherleaf fern, parvifolia eucalyptus, lemon leaf, and dusty miller. Delivered in Teleflora's Sophisticated Love vase (European glass with an ombre metallic finish). I like the mix of flowers selected for this bouquet. I think it would look just lovely sitting on my work desk. :)
Check out these bouquets and more by visiting the Teleflora website. Running a little short on cash? I saw the Klarna option on the website (make 4 payments). Don't forget to share the video at the start of this post with friends and family. This campaign is too good to keep to yourself. Wishing you all a very Happy Valentine's Day!
I love flowers. Before COVID, I got flowers every three months from my husband, but now many flowers shops are closed. But I am still waiting for Valentine's day in a couple of weeks.
Oooh, I'd be thrilled with ANY of these bouquets. I used to dry out my roses that Jason would give me and store them in a tin. Stopped collecting when it got full, but I'd probably dry these out too after a bit so I could keep them forever.
Flowers and chocolates are great gifts for Valentine's Day.
ReplyDeleteHave a fabulous day and week, my friend. ♥
Perfect post with valentines day coming up! I best get my act in gear!
ReplyDeleteLove flowers! The heart shine bouquet is my favorite.
ReplyDeleteThese are all lovely bouquets. Certainly wonderful ideas for Valentine's Day!
ReplyDeleteI love flowers. Before COVID, I got flowers every three months from my husband, but now many flowers shops are closed. But I am still waiting for Valentine's day in a couple of weeks.
ReplyDeleteSuch pretty flowers! A perfect gift for Valentines :)
ReplyDeleteBeen looking for affordable flowers for my wife. I think this is a good deal and with deferred payment options. Great.
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely bouquet. Its perfect for valentines. I love it when I get flowers on any occasion
ReplyDeleteAdd some chocolate and it's perfect.
ReplyDeleteIt is definitely not too late we’re not even at the holiday yet. The flowers are lovely
ReplyDeleteA week away: Time is going by so fast already this year.!
DeleteThese looks amazing and good price as well. I will try to get these for my girlfriend. Thank you for sharing!
ReplyDeleteWhew! That Love Reflection Bouquet is something else! I love it most and the rest of them, too. Thanks for reviewing them.
ReplyDeletereally not a flower person but this flowers sure look amazing, my partner will definitely love these.
ReplyDeleteTeleflora has some seriously gorgeous bouquets! perfect not just for valentines day but for all occassions.
ReplyDeleteOooh, I'd be thrilled with ANY of these bouquets. I used to dry out my roses that Jason would give me and store them in a tin. Stopped collecting when it got full, but I'd probably dry these out too after a bit so I could keep them forever.
ReplyDeleteTheir bouquets are simply gorgeous. Teleflora's Wild Romance Bouquet in indeed perfect for the valentines day!
ReplyDeleteomg these bouquets are stunning! I am usually reluctant to buy flowers online but I am very tempted to try them out. Gorgeous...
ReplyDeleteThose are beautiful bouquets! I love the way they design and the colors of the flowers. Perfect for Valentine's Day.
ReplyDeleteThere is nothing as beautiful as a bright big bunch of flowers!!
ReplyDeleteWow looks at the florals. So pretty and nice to have.
ReplyDeleteI just get everyone including myself chocolates. LOL