Halos Valentine Critters

Disclosure: I  did not receive payment for this post. I did receive a complimentary product and/or a coupon code to use towards the purchase of the product.

I've written before, about the crafts we do over here. With Valentine's Day right around the corner, it's that time of year again, where our creative juices are flowing (this happens every holiday, without fail), and so we're making adorable Valentine Critters with Halos California Mandarins. The best part of this kind of craft, is we get to eat the delicious fruit when we're done.

The Valentine Critters are easy enough to make, and you can tweak them as you like, or go all out and be entirely creative, making something from your very own imagination, instead of something like mine.  I'll admit, I don't have the craftiest bunch this year, but they do love to participate, and I value enthusiasm over gorgeous any day. In fact, the best part of the craft this year, is that the students came together to do something 100% out of the norm for a typical school day, and they loved it so much. They appreciated the laid back atmosphere, the camaraderie, the craft itself, and they were so protective of their creations when they were done, wanting to ensure that got to take them home to show their parents.

The photo above shows two of my student's Valentine's Day Creations. They used paper cut-outs to make eyes, and incorporated hearts into their projects to match the theme of the upcoming holiday.

This year there are a group of girls who fold paper hearts for me. They've been doing it since the beginning of the year, and on the days they give me one, I put them in a plastic bin (alongside my mascot duck that one of them gave me as well). They used those paper hearts to create 'ambience' for the photo. You just never know when something is going to come in handy. 💕

Only two of the students made mouths on their Valentine Critters, which makes me laugh... but they still came out cute just the same. I am particularly fond of the way they chose to incorporate their hearts. Everyone did something different. I have a great group of students this year, and I enjoy when we can carve out some down time (we did this during lunch) to bond and be creative. 

Like what you see? Pick up some Wonderful Halos and get creative. Your kids will love it, and the payoff (eating the Halos) is pretty spectacular too.


  1. And then you get to eat something good for you!

  2. Wow! This looks so much fun while enjoying our favorite fruits. I'll definitely check this out, and hope I get mine too.

  3. I love your student's Valentine's Day Creations. They are adorable!

  4. I love that everyone did something different and they are all creative. This is such a great way to create bonds with your students

  5. Valentine's day is just around the corner and these Halos Valentine Critters are perfect to make. We will have so much fun making them

  6. I cannot wait to make these. I never made anything like it for valentines

  7. I use those in my smoothies. Along with almond milk and vanilla shakeology. Plus I add a half banana!

  8. This is so nice! I so love the creations! I'll try to do this activity with my nephews and niece.

  9. That's very fun and creative.. never had Halos mandarin before but i think this fun kid-friendly idea can be applied to any other round fruits right? My niece will surely enjoy this kind of art projects

  10. So cute... We actually just made these too... I will be posting our adorable critters on my Instagram account. The kids had a lot of fun.

  11. It's always nice to find fun arts and crafts to do with the kids. This is something different.

  12. Wow, this looks cool and nice they gave you a coupon and helped with the purchase.

  13. This is so cute! Such a fun idea!

  14. Aawwww....these are very heartwarming! I like them. I hope they like them, too!

  15. Such a great creation haha! I wonder what it will be when doing with other fruits lol.

  16. Oh, it's so cute 😍 Can't wait to try to make these with my grandchildren.

  17. These are adorable! I think even my older kids would enjoy doing this. We love Halos!

  18. These are so cute and creative! Love diy gifts!

  19. Such a fun craft time activity with a yummy payoff at the end. How sweet of the girls to give you folded paper hearts all year ♥

  20. So cute and simple! Certainly something for me to do with my nieces next time I'm home.

  21. I love cuties and this is certainly cute. Thanks for sharing

  22. This looks so much fun! I would love to do this to the mikan with my students.

  23. I bet that was fun. I miss Valentines for the class.


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