Whistler is a Great Vacation Idea (or Home!) for People Who Love Adventure

Photo Source: Cheakamus River

There are some places you visit that are so wonderful that you cannot help but consider what it would be like to live there. My sister-in-law says Whistler (Canada) is one of those destinations. You all know that I am a traveler at heart, so being super curious, I started doing a little reasearch of my own. Is this the kind of place she would actually enjoy if she moved there permanently? I started by looking at Whistler Homes for Sale,. There were quite a few affordable options, some of which were log cabin-style, which I always find appealing. There's just something about that rustic type of setting that makes me happy and Whistler, with its scenic backdrops, makes for a perfect setting to own one. So far, so good, my sister-in-law enjoys those things too.

Next, I thought about the adventures she talked about such as mountain biking, hiking, and white water rafting in the Elaho, Cheakamus, and Squamish Rivers (where you might see extraordinary things like beavers, or bears wading along the shoreline, not to mention the thrill of being in the raft). From the looks of it, the glaciated mountain range is a wonder in and of itself as well.

My sister-in-law LOVES outdoor activities like those, so I could see why Whistler held so much appeal for her. Being outside, especially somewhere close to the water is adventurous for sure, but it is also her peace line. She likes to be in the great outdoors, close to nature. Actually, she loves it. She craves it (and would probably go stir crazy without it). 

With all of that outdoor scenery, it's no wonder the pictures from her visit came out so well. You can't go wrong with a nature backdrop, and I always say photographs make the best souvenirs. I like to take some pictures with people in them, me and whoever I am traveling with, and others of just the scenery itself. You can't beat trees, mountains, wildlife and water for pictures that make your day when you look back on them. Just a side note here: I learned a long time ago though, that you want to make sure you have waterproof protections if you're taking your camera near the water (we're not going to talk any more about that... *cough*).

In the winter, Whistler is a ski town!! I can see her spending the day outside mastering the slopes, and then coming back to a cozy cabin in the afternoon to wind down, relax by the fireplace and talk with family and friends. Add a good meal and she might never come home!! So yeah, I can see her appreciating the municipality enough to want to move there.

Now after her endorsement, and my research, I'm thinking it might be a place we might like to go visit too, even though it was previously not even on my radar. Isn't that part of the beauty of adventure... sharing it with others and piquing their interest as well?  So there is no doubt that the adventure seeker in me would love to visit Whistler.  The question is, would we prefer going during a warm season or a cold one? Both have a certain appeal that is hard to resist and my final decision is going to take a bit of thought and consideration. And that's part of the fun too.

Have you been to Whistler?


  1. Hi Rosey - it's just a stunning part of the world ... so if you can go - go ... you'd see more if you went when the weather was kinder! But that trip up to Whistler from Vancouver would be glorious ... as too that whole area. Any travelling broadens the horizons. Enjoy the pondering - cheers Hilary

  2. I would choose a mountainous area like that over a beach any day. Waking up to snow and with no place you have to go!
    Sorry about your camera...

  3. It's never been on my radar, but I'm sure I would fall in love with the nature there. Once everything opens back again, I would like to explore more of Canada. We only did the Toronto area, but it's such a big country, I want to take in more wilderness and less city.

  4. Visiting Canada is on my bucket list, and this reinforces the idea of making it happen soon. This place sounds amazing! Thanks so much for sharing.

  5. I think Whistler looks like a wonderful place. I have only ever seen photos but the scenery there looks outstanding!

  6. Wow sounds like a place full of adventure! I also like to research areas to see what can be done locally and how I would live there too.

  7. Whistler sounds like a great place for adventure and fun. And the photos are absolutely amazing!

  8. I have never been here before. I would like to go! It sounds like a fun time.

  9. Whistler is such a gorgeous place. I've been there before, and I've always wanted to go back.

  10. I would love to live near a creek with water like that! I would never leave if I had that kind of view! Kelli A

  11. Whistler looks like a beautiful place to visit or live! I can see why people might decide to move there after seeing it in person.

  12. This sounds like the perfect vacation for my husband and I. We love being outdoors and hiking!

  13. That place absolutely looks stunning. I love how relaxing the vibe is, the sound of the water will take away your stress.

  14. That photo alone makes me want to go that place asap.

  15. Thanks for sharing, I love going to places like this with friends!

  16. Whistler is a white paradise in the winters and an amazing ski resort. Hope to get there someday.

  17. This looks like a really beautiful place for a getaway to refresh and recalibrate

  18. Yes! I will definitely love this place! It's so perfect and I really love adventure!

  19. This looks like a beautiful place to visit. I would love to see it in person someday.

  20. My family loves adventure and we have at least one of this type of vacation a year. It gives us a lot of energy!

  21. I would love to be able to visit Whistler sometime. What a gorgeous destination!

  22. This would be a lovely place to visit. I do love scenery and hiking and so want to visit Canada when I get a chance.

  23. Oh wow! The place looks stunning and very relaxing indeed!
    I would love to visit soon!

  24. I’ve never been there but have seen pictures and it’s extraordinarily beautiful. Don’t think I could full time it (BRRR) but I’d love a visit.


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