Spot Your Teen's Strengths...and then Tell Them About It!

This post is made possible with support from the Center for Parent and Teen Communication, part of Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. All opinions are my own.

The Center for Parent and Teen Communication provides science-based strategies to support healthy family relationships. They're short, to the point, and spot-on with their advice. They also have a 100-word, daily parenting tip newsletter that you can sign up for, and it's free.

The CPTC has six short videos running and my favorite is Spot their Strengths. I love the message in it, to let teens know how you see them through your eyes. I've always told my son the positives I see in him, and watching this video reinforced the reasons for doing that...just this morning, I mentioned to him that I love his sense of drive (he made A Honor Roll last quarter and is striving to do the same for this one), I told him that his dedication towards his studies will absolutely help him go far in life...and I believe that it will!

These kinds of messages are good for us to hear as parents, and even better for our children to hear. Check out the six videos found HERE and see which one you like the best.


  1. I think that we ALL whatever our age need to hear those things.

  2. Kids definitely need to hear positive reinforcement on their strengths. Especially in today's world where it seems like everyone is comparing themselves to other people they see on social media/tv/etc and trying to live up to a perceived lifestyle.

  3. I LOVE this so much! Positive reinforcement is always best.

  4. This is so important. The teen years are so hard, and everything feels so more more momentous. The highs are higher, and the lows are lower. Our teens need us to lift them up.

  5. Being a teenager is so hard. When you have parents that uplift you and support you, it's such a huge help. Love this.

  6. It is not easy being a teenager! This article is a great help and full of amazing tips!

  7. This is so helpful! A lot of teenager need some encouragement and this can be the key to unlock their strength.

  8. I need to watch those video as I am a mom to a teenager boy. Thnx for sharing.

  9. This is a must, as once the strengths are known it allows for a teen to thrive in what they do best x

  10. This is a great reminder for all parents. The teen years are fraught with raging emotions, and it's easy for parents to become frustrated and focus on the negatives, however it's focusing on the positives that allows us to help our kids get through those difficult years.

  11. This is a great reminder. I am always thinking about how amazing my daughter is but I rarely tell her. I need to do that more.

  12. It's so important especially with teenagers to constantly reward them for their merits and encourage their talents. Great initiative!

  13. I believe it's important to do so. It helps them build confidence and strength.

  14. I have a child that will be a teen soon. The videos sound like they might be helpful.

  15. I love this and definitely agree find out their strengths and praise them.

  16. It's so hard raising a teen. I love the idea of pointing out their strengths and encouraging them.

  17. Such a great post and video, and it has reminded me to do the same with my children

  18. That is super important. I tell my daughter all the time. But equally we also talk about the things tat she's not so good at and what we can do try and improve on those things. None of us are perfect and we can always work on becoming better.

  19. This is good advice because teens can be difficult and we critique them alot. Saving this link for future reference

  20. Even for young children and pre-teens. That positive reinforcement is so important.

  21. This is good advice. I don't have kids right now but this information is so worthy for future reference.

  22. Yes! So important to highlight their strengths. Sometimes as parents we can focus on the bad but this important for their self confidence.

  23. That is a wonderful idea and it's good to be attentive to your child's strength and help or guide them in a way that helps encourage and strengthens it.

  24. It's always good to encourage younger people like that.

  25. Giving anyone compliments is important, it helps to give them a sense that they're on the right track, doing well for themselves and others, and overall, just a confirmation /acknowledgment in life. Teens really need to know their strengths because it's a time in their life where they're trying to find themselves. I'll have to check those videos out (I have two tweens)

  26. My little guy isn't so little anymore and is in the tween years, it is so important to build them up!

  27. This is such an informative post! Parents of teenagers will find this post so helpful 👌🏻

    Everything Enchanting

  28. Yeah. You have to let them know. Never assume they just know.

  29. Kids need encouragement and positive reinforcement. They need to be more confident and comfortable with what they excel at.

  30. Very important. It’s a negative world even with politics. The pandemic has pushed people over the edge in many ways. They need positivity.

  31. I do not have teens but everyone can benefit from hearing their strengths.

  32. I think that in prder to have strong and independent people we need to start helping them since they are in their vulnerable teenage years.

  33. Since I just had a child, I'm learning more about this area to raise my kid in the best way.
    Thanks for sharing the resource, it's really useful!


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