How To Deal With The Unexpected

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We all want life to be happy, easy, and never have any problems. Unfortunately, that isn’t always the case. They say ‘When life gives you lemons, make lemonade’ but sometimes life won’t even hand you that. Unexpected things happen and we can’t always plan for every eventuality so here are a few ways to deal with problems that may happen in life when we aren’t prepared or ready to take them on.

Extreme Weather

Weather isn’t something anyone can control so sometimes you can be hit with an unimaginable amount of rain which causes a flood. In situations like this having insurance is one of the best ways to prepare to help cover the damage. In the situation it does happen, make sure you speak to your provider straight away so you can start the ball rolling. Also speak to loved ones for help with sorting out the mess, having somewhere to stay, and working out your next steps.

Injuries That Weren’t Your Fault

People get injured all the time. It can just be one of the things that happen. We are all bound to have been injured at some point in our lives whether it was our fault or not. Although when it happens and it isn’t our fault it is advisable to speak to attorneys for negligence as they will be able to give you the best advice on what to do as well as potentially getting you some compensation to help you manage while you recover.

Work Relocation

Sometimes you may be offered a promotion with work or find out that they are moving their offices to a whole new place and the only way you will be able to continue is by relocating. It can seem scary but it can also be a whole new chapter of life starting. New beginnings and opportunities as well as progression in your career. Always make sure you look at all the pros and cons as well as the considerations before moving house.

Death Of A Loved One

This isn’t always an unexpected thing but it can feel like it, sometimes it is completely out of the blue and just hits you like a ton of bricks. It can be very overwhelming but it is best to let the sadness in so you can fully embrace it, it is natural to feel that way. Then you can start to heal and focus on the good memories. Use your crutches in life to get you through. It could be that you turn to religion, so you can attend more and seek out help and advice there. You also just may turn to loved ones and support each other and lift each other or there are also so many help and charity groups that can offer support as well.

Life can throw things at you at a moment's notice, but we can deal with it and grow from it. Like they said in the Lion King, “the past can hurt, you can either run from it or learn from it”.


  1. There are so many things that you have no control over. You can plan for all of them, but the incident(s) are still life changing.

    Have a fabulous day, my friend. ♥

  2. One step at a time (and sometimes tiny steps) is the way I approach the unexpected.

  3. Life is full of unexpected (and often unwelcome) events. A sense of humor along with a good support system can help a lot!

  4. I'm lucky in that I do work all hours but haven't really burnt out yet. Some well timed breaks and exercise can really help.

  5. Oh gosh, any of these are tough to go through. Thank you for the suggestions on what to do if something like these happen.

  6. So true. We won't feel what it feels to be happy when we haven't felt lonely before.

  7. Life is full of unexpected good and bad things. It's all about how you deal with them and care for yourself through them that matters.

  8. There is always something we have to deal with.

  9. This is some good advice here. It's always so hard to deal with something when it comes out of nowhere. These are tough situations for sure.

  10. We all face unexpected and difficult situations in our lives, all these seem are not easy at the time but we're all resilient and should try to be positive. Thanks for the suggestions.

  11. These are some great tips. You definitely have to be prepared for any situation. You never know when something may happen.

  12. I always say, you don't get ready, you stay ready. When it comes to dealing with the unexpected, prepare in advance for as many stituations as possible so you can handle the unexpected better.

  13. Feeling out of control is a big trigger for my anxiety. I have always feared the unexpected.

  14. Lots of things sometimes its in our hand but time will heal but still hard to except the reality .Thanks for the suggestions.

  15. These are all really hard things to have to go through, but you CAN get through them.
    These are great tips.

  16. Unexpected occurances can be tough. Being mentally strong and prepared for as many things as possible is essential - and having different types of insurances is sure one of them. Blessings

  17. All really sage advice. That's why ensuring that all the important "boring" things are in place like a will, insurance, investment etc.... so that should anything unforeseen happen, there is some sort of back up plan.

  18. I've always been a believer in the phrase, "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger". When the unexpected happens, the most important thing is what we take away from it and grow from the experience.

  19. Sometimes I wonder what I would do if the unexpected happened, sometimes you don't know until you are in the situation.

  20. The unexpected in our lives, is what keeps us stronger. If we let it take over our lives, its hard to survive. I've lived through more than I want to mention, but I'm still alive and loving life. God is always on my side though.

  21. I think the last year has really taught us we have no control over some situations. It's how you dust yourself off and move along that counts.

  22. Thank you so much for sharing these tips on what to do during such times! I can still handle extreme weather condition, but it's so tough to bear the loss of loved ones😞

    Everything ENCHANTING

  23. I think we should have a business continuity plan (BCP) or a back-up plan just in case there are calamities or unexpected things. We should simulate the event and be prepared for it. It's good that we are prepared all the time.

  24. Very good advice. I have been caught out by life a few times but will keep this in mind for next time!

  25. This is a great topic to discuss and most of the time people don't prepare for it that's why it's good to have a plan incase of unforeseen accidents.

  26. Such great advice to share during these difficult times we are go through in the world right now. Thank you.

  27. Just have to keep on keeping on and make sure to learn from them indeed

  28. Interesting topic and appreciate your ideas and tips for the unexpected scenarios, got me thinking too :) - Knycx Journeying

  29. Mama Maggie's KitchenFebruary 21, 2021 at 2:16 PM

    I have experienced all of these unexpected happenings and I must say that it is really hard to overcome it. Thank you for sharing these tips.

  30. This would be the time to put your big girl/boy pants on. You many need to make decisions or you may just need to cry. This is good information

  31. Thanks for the suggestions, Rosey.

    We just have to soldier on and surrender all to God.

  32. It is good to be resilient when there are unexpected events. What we weather, makes us stronger.


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