Grateful Even for the Setbacks

Disclosure: This post is sponsored and part of my 30-day Gratitude Challenge. Opinions are genuine and my own.

Still working on my 30-day Gratitude Challenge over here. I am here to tell you that some people say you make time for what you care about, but honestly that is not always true. There are some days where I don't even have a minute extra to do some things that I'd like to do. My job is one that I love again this year (and some of you know I didn't love it last year), but regardless of how I feel about it, it's one that is always, always busy. There are more things to do than time to do them. It spills over into my home life, and if it didn't, I'd be extremely behind on things while at work. I have people who depend on me to deliver, so not doing certain things (that are always very time-consuming) is not an option. That means other areas of my life, like exercising every single day, or taking time to reflect quietly simply aren't going to happen, and that's okay. I'm being as consistent as I can be. Setbacks are inevitable in most things, and that's okay too, just so long as we don't get stuck there, and we keep moving forward.

Today's challenge: Toss the gratitude ball. Share a video of you saying what you're grateful for, packing your gratitude into an imaginary ball in your hands, and sending it to the sky. Release your gratitude to others. You can search for how others are doing as well by looking up the hashtag #dancingthroughcrisis on social media. Gratitude is an important thing.

If you want to learn more, or join along, here's a link! 


  1. I do judge myself. Usually harshly. Just the same set backs are a chance to learn and/or refocus.

  2. It might be incredibly busy, but considering how many are out of work, it's good to be grateful for the job you have.

  3. This is such a great idea. Having gratitude in life is so important.

  4. I always remind myself of what I have to be grateful for. If I did the ball thing though my kids would think I had been drinking. But I do let myself know that I do have it good if I start to doubt that.

  5. I love the image of releasing my gratitude in the sky. I picture it sending out so many positive vibes to others!

  6. I totally agree. It is hard to make time for things you would like to do. I enjoy my job too but betweeen that and the kids I have no time for me or what I'd like to do.

  7. I love the words you use here. I'm always releasing .y gratitude on my social media,it really feels great.

  8. I always remind myself and my family to be grateful even for the slightest blessing that we receive each day. Thank you for sharing this challenge.

  9. I like writing in a gratitude journal everyday to remind myself what I am grateful for each day. It really helps start the day off wonderful. I love this challenge to share on social media!

  10. This is such a wonderful idea. I enjoy my job as well, but there are times when it gets to be a lot. I'm just glad I can work from home and see my kids more often.

  11. It's really a great way to look at things, with gratitude. What an interesting perspective, we could all benefit from looking at things this way.

  12. Setbacks suck, but being grateful for what you do have is so important in getting back on your feet. If 2020 taught us anything, we all have the resilience to keep pushing forward.

  13. Yes I am forever greatful of my family they the one makes me go more forward.

  14. I certainly know how that is! While trying to maintain a balance between work and home, which can be quite challenging at times, I always try to be grateful.

  15. I think we learn a lot from failures. It's not easy to continue our road after a failure but it makes us stronge.

  16. You learn more from failing than you usually do from winning. And yeah, many a thing are a time suck, but have to push through.


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