We Carry Kevan is my Summer Reading Jam!

Finding time to read isn't as easy as it was once upon a time, that's for sure. I made a promise to myself this summer though, that I was going to find a good book to read and get lost in someone else's world for awhile. I am happy to say that goal has been accomplished. For the past couple of weeks, each evening before I retired to la la land, I read a chapter of We Carry Kevan (or 2, or 3, depending on how tired I was) and it became a part of my nighttime routine. I began to look forward to it, and now that my book is over, I miss it!! I highly recommend it, and let me tell you why...

Kevan Chandler, the author of the book, is also the star of the story. He and his friends approached a challenge (visiting overseas) and found a way to address it so that everyone was enriched, boundaries were shattered, and love was left in their wake, presumably everywhere these young men went. Chandler spent the majority of his life getting around in a wheelchair, until he and his friends had a crazy idea to create a custom backpack that would be used to carry Kevan on an international trip. Living in the USA, having no funds to get there, and creating a very ambitious plan, this was no easy feat. Complete it they did, however, leaving the wheelchair entirely out of the picture (they left it at the airport).

Imagine the kind of trust that takes, and kindness, and love...on the parts of all of them. The takeaways I got from the book were multiple, but I will leave you with the few that instantly come to mind. 1). We need to reach out more. This story touched me in a big way. I was deeply and profoundly moved by the genuine outpouring of consideration, ambition, drive, and unity it took to make this trip happen. Let me say too, that being a tad bit of introvert (me, not Kevan), I envy the kind and welcoming nature that Kevan and his friends seem to possess. That kind of reaching out and connection is admirable. #lifegoals

2). The limits of mobility can be redefined. This crew went to some amazing places, and they did so toting another human being on their back. Dude! I get tired carrying my granddaughter for too long (she's 6 now, and not so light!). I still rent a stroller for her if we go to an amusement park, which is only a one-day outing!! Hats off to the carriers. #waycoolhumanbeings

3). The generous spirit this troop inherently possess leaves a mark on those they interact with everywhere they go. I don't want to give anything away, so I will let you read the book to understand more about what I mean with that last point. #sharingiscaring

We Carry Kevan defies norms in ways that open doors and leave you cheering, relating and standing back in awe not only at the wonderful feat(s) they accomplished with this trip, but also at the seamless telling of the story, which was so wonderfully written. Kudos to the author and contributors, kudos to the men, and mostly kudos to Kevan Chandler for sharing his story with the world. Consider me inspired, and in love with this book. It is a wonderful selection to add to your home library, or purchase as a gift. It is definitely my summer reading jam!

WE CARRY KEVAN (Hachette, April 23, 2019) - Kevan grew up, he says, at "belt-buckle level" and stayed there until his beloved group of friends decided to leave his wheelchair at the Atlanta airport, board a plane for France, and carry him around Europe on their backs to accomplish their dream of seeing the world together! The inseparable group traveled to Paris, England, and Ireland where, in the climax of their adventure, they scale 600 feet up to the 1,400-year-old monastic fortress of Skellig Michael. In WE CARRY KEVAN the reader sits with Kevan, one head-level above everyone else for the first time in his life and enjoys camaraderie unlike anything most people ever experience. Along the way they encounter the curiosity and beauty of strangers, the human family disarmed by grace, and the profound power of friendship and self-sacrifice.


  1. I heard about this story through Facebook last year and immediately fell in love with all of these men! I love how they are teaching the world to look beyond disability. It doesn't have to define or limit you, because where there's a will there's a way.

  2. What absolutely wonderful friends to have - and to be.

  3. Hi Rosey - I read about their amazing achievement and what great friends they all are ... quite extraordinary - and humanity at its best - thanks for letting us know about the book ... cheers Hilary

  4. That is amazing. That is a group of dedicated friends.

  5. Wow! Sounds like an amazing story. It just goes to show that with determination and love, we can accomplish the seemingly impossible. I am going to have to check out the book. Thanks for the recommendation!

  6. What an inspiration. I need to read this book.

    Have a fabulous day and week, Rosey. ♥

  7. Digging the look. I actually read a 700 page book on our vacation. I entered to win something at our library. Sounds like great book!

    I'm digging your new blog layout. It captures your love for travel more than your other one.

  8. What a beautiful story. It's so touching. I barely have enough time to read a book, but this one sounds very intriguing to me. So heart warming.

  9. Sure an amazing group and shows what one can do, or many can do, when their minds are put to it.

  10. This book sounds like a really heartfelt book and I'd definitely like to check it out.

  11. I don't have much time to read these days so I try to find audiobooks and this one is going on my list. Sounds like a amazing book.

  12. Thats an amazing story. Friendship can be strong, absolutely inspiring. Will surely read the book

  13. Adding this to my summer reading list! Your takeaways piqued my interest but We Carry Kevan description reads like an epic adventure. Can't wait to read it!

  14. interesting! I can get the feeling you mention, when i am loving a book, i can't wait to get home and continue reading it!


  15. Wow, what a great story! I should definitely read it, very inspiring:)

  16. An amazing story of friends, Awsome one just loved it.

  17. That's an amazing thing to do.

  18. We carry Kevan sounds like a great story to read. It reminds me of the character Hodor in Game of Thrones who carried a boy on his back until his untimely death. Also I would be curious as to Kevans perspective seeing the world from someone’s back. Lavern Moore

  19. such a beautiful book! So much love and true adventures. I need to read this book too

  20. Real friendship is invaluable! This book sounds like a great read to encourage us to value people and stay dedicated.

  21. There's nothing more rewarding than finding a good audio book to share with others. Definitely opens your mind.

  22. Wow! It is hard to find such wonderful friends in today's world. What a great trio!

  23. Sounds like a great story of self growth and overcoming tough obstacles! Inspiring!

  24. I've heard about this so much plus watched a lot of videos on it. Looks so inspiring.

  25. This sounds incredibly inspiring! Will have to check it out

  26. Oh I agree, especially to busy people like me. It's always ain't easy to read even a chapter.

  27. That sounds like such a great book! What an inspiring journey they must have had!

  28. This is such a great story! What a great idea and awesome friends to boot! Love this!

  29. What an incredible story! Thank you so much for sharing this great book! I can't wait to start reading!

  30. Woo HOO! Success is mine.

    For some reason, I could NOT bring your comment section up when I tried the other day. So, as they say, try, try again... Anyhow, you made this book sound so awesome, I had to buy it. (I have zero willpower when it comes to books.) Thanks for the recommendation. It sounds very uplifting. Just the thing. :)

  31. What an inspirational story. I don’t have a lot of time for reading epithet but if i ever do get a chance, I’ll definitely try and get in some We Carry Kevan

  32. This is such an inspiring and an emotional story! I would love to read this book. Your review is fabulous :)

  33. That looks inspiring. What great friends!

  34. This sounds like a seriously inspiring book. Now that's friendship!

  35. Sounds like an inspiring story. It's people like that who renew my faith in kindness. That's quite a great group of friends to get together and trek three countries, let alone carrying one of those friends!


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