Wordless Wednesday: Corinth Canal Bungee Jumping

This is the Corinth Canal in
Corinth, Greece. Would you Bungee from it? My son and his girlfriend did!

All pictures are swiped (with permission) from their Instagram accounts. :)  
They said it was fabulous, but I'm not sure I would do it. Would you?
I'd have done it in a heartbeat, years ago (many years ago).

Big thanks to the kids for sharing their photos. :)


  1. Not a chance! I'd just watch from above.

  2. Is that your handsome son? Wow. And they are brave. NO I would not bungee jump there or anywhere to be honest. But I would love to go there and see the places they are seeing. Sandie

  3. That made my stomach got a bit crazy. I wouldn't be able to do that, but I applaud those that can.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  4. Oh my gosh! I would be absolutely terrified to bungee jump there! How was it?!

  5. holy cow...never ever would I do this! Yikes!

  6. I'd love to go, but I am kind of afraid of heights. :) Maybe someday I gather enough courage to jump. I see that you enjoyed the jump very much. I love the photos!

  7. haha looks like a fun time. I'd do it without issue as far as fear wise, nadda. But isn't there a kickback when you hit the end of the length? That may hurt the back. Only reason I wouldn't.

  8. You are so brave!! This looks fun & also very intimidating. At least you all look like you had a great time!!

  9. Nope. Nay. Nyet. I get the heebie jeebies just thinking about it!

  10. Maybe if the bridge was burning.

  11. Hi Rosey - no ... I would not. I walked over the Humber Bridge 510 feet up and hated it ... so even getting to the position of jumping ... I'd not be there!! Glad they obviously enjoyed it ... cheers Hilary

  12. What keeps them from swinging into those rock walls? Hmmmmm NAHHHHHHH I'LL TAKE A PASS ON THAT ONE! No way Jose not for me! I'll watch... I'm always the camera person anyway... for this one I'd be glad to do it from afar! Great pics though I must say. Thanks for sharing! They're a very handsome couple.

  13. Honestly, bungee jumping has never been one in my bucket list. Skydiving perhaps, but bungee jumping, I think I am too chicken. :p

  14. Maybe in my younger days, but I don't even like to do roller coasters anymore. My brittle bones just can't handle it anymore lol

  15. PS, send me an email. I owe you a $20 Amazon gift card. I'm not sure if you received the email I sent to your edu. email address :)

  16. Oh gosh, I don't think I could do it. I'm afraid of heights. Sometimes even walking across bridges scares me!

  17. No way! I am too chicken!

    Happy Thursday, sweetie!

  18. They look like they enjoyed it. Me? Not a chance.

  19. Oh, I don't know if I want to bungee jump. I have done a lot of thrill sports, but this just scares me especially because of the free fall

  20. What a cool experience and I have never tried Bungee Jumping in my life and not sure I have the courage to do it. The view from the top look super awesome. I guess I would just go to the top to have a look at the view instead.

  21. I think I wouldn't be brave enough to try bungee jumping! The place looks really wonderful and it seems you had lots of fun ... but I'd prefer to be just an observer. ;)

  22. Brilliant captures although I couldn't do that myself I am not that brave heheh!

    Have a bungeetastic weekend Rosey :-)

  23. Wow, This must be a thrilling feeling that I don't think I can ever do. I've seen many YouTube video on this but I just can't seem to get myself in the right mood to try this out.

  24. I have never tried to do a bungee jumping. It looks so scary but it also looks a lot of fun and adventure but I am really good as an observer. Hahaha!

  25. Oh WOW!! What a VIEW! But I'm very happy to see all this from the safety of my computer screen! They are seriously so brave!!!

  26. That looks like a blast! I'd love to try it once.

  27. wow wow wow!! I'd actually love to try bungee-jumping but I can't do it ever because of my back op :(

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

  28. wow I never have a guts to do bungee jumping! You are awesome.

  29. That looks like a lot of fun... for you guys. LOL It would be a SUPER HARD NO for me, but I would love to watch other people get their thrills.

  30. Nope. Nopenopenopenopenopenopenopenope. I admire the people who can take the plunge, but... nope.

  31. Nope...but I love the joy in these photos. Ahhh to be young and brave ( wink) hugs!

  32. Oh, I don't know. AT first, I said heck ya, then I saw someone flying through the air...not so sure now!!

  33. Your son is braver than I am. I don't think I could bungee jump there... or anywhere.

  34. What a wonderful post! This place looks like fun. Thanks for sharing! :)

  35. This is so much fun! I think it's awesome that you guys gave this a try! I have yet to experience bungee jumping! I am still a little terrified.

  36. Wow! You are so brave. It looks like tons of fun, but I don't think I could go bungee jumping. I hate to say this, but my nerves would get the best of me.

  37. Wow! You are so brave. It looks like tons of fun, but I don't think I could go bungee jumping. I hate to say this, but my nerves would get the best of me. Without a doubt, they would. - Elle Em

  38. I envy you! I think this is one crazy adventure that I cannot really do! I'm way too afraid of heights! Haha

  39. This looks like an amazing time! What a great experience. I am not brave enough to go bungee jumping but I would happily marvel at the sights.

  40. Seems so exciting, thank you for sharing!

  41. Wow this looks so incredible! I am not sure I would have the guts to do this!

  42. I would not bungee jump! That is scary! Even if I was younger, I'd still not do it. These young people do have a lot of adrenaline in their bodies to be able to do that.

  43. No way on God's earth could I walk up there know I was going to have to jump. I was just ................ they would have to carry me off.

  44. OMG brave souls. I am sure you all had fun but nope nope nope not for me I am too chicken!

  45. This is really adventurous! Wow I never have a guts to do bungee jumping! I'm way too afraid of heights! You're amazing.

  46. Oh my you are super brave to do this. I would be absolutely terrified!

  47. Haha wow! No way could you get me up their to do that! In saying that, i would sky dive! ☺️

  48. I would love to do a bungee jump, it looks so amazing!

  49. I'd love to try bungee jumping one day, I want to conquer my fear =)

  50. wow!This sounds so adventurous!I am sure you all had a great time!

  51. Looks like a beautiful place to bungee jump but I am too chicken to ever do that.

  52. If I were told I could see only one place before dying, I'd choose Greece. But I might not ask to go bungee jumping, lol.

  53. I'd love to see Corinth, but not to bungee jump! I'm scared of a two-step ladder, I'm not one to do this! I like two feet on the ground!

  54. I've never been bungee jumping before but I would love to try it. I would definitely do this, but it would have to be a trip with my mom as I don't think I could ever get my husband to go with me.

  55. I am such a ninny!!!! I would LOVE to bungee jump - if it wasnt always so high 😂😂

  56. Oh my goodness, maybe in my 20s I might have been braver but there is no way I could do that bungee jump now, it is sooo high!

  57. Oh wow what an amazing experience! I would love to do this!

  58. I love extreme sports and adventures, I am going to have to go there soon and jump, looks amazing

  59. I am not that adventurous at all. I couldn’t do this I am very scared!

  60. I am an adrenaline junkie. I would absolutely love to try it.

  61. I do not think that this would be my thing. I have two nephews who were raised in Europe and live now in Greece I might ask if this is what they would like to do.


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