Bluefoot Pirate Adventure: THE Best Boating Adventure in South Florida for Kids!!

This is a sponsored post. I worked with Bluefoot Pirate Adventures and US Family Guide to be able to bring you this quality information. All opinions stated in this post are genuine and my pirate-loving own.

The best adventure in South Florida for kids!
I have found THE best thing for kids to do in south Florida! It's located in Fort Lauderdale, it's reasonably priced, and it's entertaining from start to finish!! I suspected Bluefoot Pirate Adventures would be fun before I even got there, but lemme tell you, when you take this pirate ride, you are in for a treat!

It's important to make your reservations ahead of time, because only so many people can go out on the boat at once. That being said, it does accommodate a fairly large group and would be perfect for field trips, birthday parties, summer camp visits, etc., and the boat runs multiple times in a day (check the schedule online to see which days they are open, and what times they have available).

When you arrive at the dock (excellent directions are given when you make your reservation), you'll see the big silver truck (maybe it's 'pirate gray?')  with the Bluefoot Pirate logo. Head on over to it and get your registration information filled out. This takes a minute. While you're waiting for the rest of the crew to show, the captain, dressed in pirate garb, will offer a little entertainment (and if your captain is Kris, you'll get flips and jumps too...a pirate has to have good agility you know, it's perfect for keeping other pirates off-guard in a battle).

A pirate vest and belt will be provided to each child. They return these at the end of the ride. You can also opt in for a pirate bandana for your little one to wear on his or her head (they have black and pink), a pirate patch & sword...the whole three pack is sold for under ten bucks and your child will get to take it home. We also opted for a shoulder parrot (those of you who visit here regularly know my son loves stuffed animals, and as soon as he saw the parrot, that's what he wanted). There are other novelties for sale as well, and you can also purchase bottles of water for a buck (at the silver truck or on the boat).

Rogue Wave is keeping it real (pirate's gotta have a mustache!).
While you wait your little pirates will be offered face paint. Here you see the mustache going on. Rogue Wave let him pick whatever he wanted and she did a good job too.

My son got a scar, a mustachio and a little beard action. Cute, I mean fierce, right? When it's time to board, children are told to line up and the captain and first mate provide them with some general rules and reasons why those rules are in place (example: Captain Kris had them name things they knew were alive in the sea. Then he told them we wouldn't want to harm any of those things in their own home, and that's why absolutely nothing at all, ever, could be tossed over the boat). Nice touch.

Adults got to sit in the shaded stern of the boat where Captain Kris gave a most excellent tour.
Then it was time to board. Parents were given the option to sit in the back of the boat and listen to the captain. He offered them information about the area, including a bit of knowledge on some of the waterfront homes as we passed them (the Miami Vice house was on this tour, you could see the swimming pool running through it). Captain Kris did an amazing job at keeping us entertained (and he's got a great singing voice too!).

The children were put at the bow of the boat (a term they all knew from the lesson given before boarding), where the first mate, or in our case, Rogue Wave (her pirate name, arrr!) took the kidlets. Parents were up high and could see every move their little ones were making on the boat, while at the same time being able to relax and enjoy the boat trip on their own.

Then the real adventure began!! There was a treasure hunt, with a real treasure map! The kids went from activity to activity (no time to get bored on this trip), and had a blast (figuratively and actually speaking)!!

There was a bad pirate, mm hmm, but he wasn't all that scary. He came in on another (much smaller) boat and had a Nerf water blaster for a weapon. He let loose on the kids, and boy did they let back (because he had the key to the treasure chest)!!

The cannons on each side of the boat really shoot water and the kids get to fire them. There are quite a few cannons, but if there are still not enough for everyone, the first mate will make sure everyone switches to the other side, so every child gets a chance. Good move, Rogue Wave... good move (we don't want tears on a trip like this one, and nothing causes tears faster than to be the odd man (or girl) out on a water cannon ;) ).

Never take the word of a pirate, even if he's smiling.
Barnacle Bill lost the water shoot-out, but he didn't give over the key!

Barnacle Bill was the 'bad guy' and he made a deal with Captain Kris to turn over the key to the lost treasure, if he lost the water gun battle. He lost, but varmint that he is (he's a bad pirate remember), he 'threw' the key in the water when he lost, hoping it would be lost to sea forever.

Fortunately, Captain Kris and Rogue Wave had another plan up their pirate sleeves, and the key to the treasure was found by pirate magic, and an adorable little two-year-old who happened to be standing right next to it. ;) Each child was doled out a little treasure to take home (fake coins, not chocolate...thank goodness, it's hot in south Florida) and a certificate to render them official.

This trip was FUN!!! From the second we arrived to the very end, we all had such a good time. I'm going to go all out and say this is THE best thing for kids to do in Fort Lauderdale. We drove down from a couple hours away and it was worth it and then some to take this ride.

My Tip (lol) to You: Bring cash for a tip (it's mentioned at the end, they're definitely not at all pushy about it, but for this, you'll want to leave one!).

I'm one of those people though, who never has cash, so I was left feeling like 'aww man' when I walked off of the boat. It was definitely one of those times I felt a tip would be well-warranted!! The captain gave us lots of great insight about places to eat, play and more, and he made the trip very personable and immensely enjoyable. Rogue Wave likewise kept the children excited every single second of the trip. My son is 8 and  he LOVED it! My daughter is 17, and though she didn't partake in the pirate adventure (she sat with the adults), she loved the trip too!

Other perks of the trip...

  • The breathtakingly gorgeous views like you see above:

I'll take one in any color, please
  • The information on some of the waterfront homes, like the one you see above. If I'm not mistaken, this one is the one that looks like a butterfly from the sky. Whether it is or not (I was paying attention to the kids instead of the adult side when we went by), I'll take one in any color, please. ;)

  • The looks on the people's faces beside us on a boat when ours let loose with the water cannons (bahahahaha, great sports they were, and they were cracking up!).

  • Seeing the priceless looks on the kids' faces (all of them!) and hearing their comments that let you know they were delighted. There was one boy who was worried Barnacle Bill was going to come back (he wasn't that scary, but to a child, a bad guy is a bad guy, lol). His mom needed to get up but he was scared rascally Bill would return in her absence. She poo-poo'd him (I'm not trying to be funny with my context here, but I made myself laugh) and went to the potty (yeah, one of those on board too ;) ). I leaned over and told him I could see Barnacle Bill eating lunch waaaay over there on shore, so there was no way he'd be making a return. I'm a mom, and an adult, so he believed me. ;)
  • Everyone involved was good at what they did, and they seemed to enjoy it too!! Find a job you love, and you'll never work a day in your life. That's what came to mind for me. :)

Captain Kris is on the right, and I suspect that's Barnacle Bill on the left. ;)
Little man is at the pirate gear box.

I suspect this is really Barnacle Bill. He was there when we left, and when we came back. What a fun job!!

This adventure lasts a little over an hour and a half. Tickets are $25.00 a piece for each person aged 3+, and $5 for children 2 and under. You can learn more about Bluefoot Pirates by visiting their website. You can also follow them on Facebook, Twitter and/or Instagram.

I can't recommend this place highly enough. This is a professionally thought out, well-orchestrated fun event from start to finish. If you do one thing with the kids in Ft. Lauderdale, this is the thing to do!! Five out of five stars from me, and now I'm headed over to Trip Advisor to say the same.

Thank you Bluefoot Pirates & US Family Guide 
for a most amazing trip!


  1. I do not have kids, but do have young nephews that would like this type of thing.

    Erica K

  2. Pirates are the most fun for kids. They're the most fun for me, too! Bluefoot looks like a blast.

    1. Pirates are so much fun, I completely agree with you. My boys would love getting all dressed up and participating in all these activities.

  3. That looks like so much fun. FOR ME! Pirates always have such an exciting feel, and my kids love that feel as much as I do.

  4. Looks like so much fun! My boys would have a blast with something like this! Hope we can experience this at some point! So fun we need to get to Florida! - Jeanine

  5. This looks like a ton of fun for kids and parents alike! I would totally participate!

  6. This looks like a fun adventure for the entire family. I will keep this in mind of we are ever in the area.

  7. How cool! I live in North Florida and this looks like something my kids would go crazy over! Definitely going to check this out...thanks!

  8. Of course, being summer, it's time to entertain the kids. These seems like a cute place to take them on their vacation break!

  9. This sounds like such a fun experience for kids. My son, who was obsessed with pirates as a kid, would have absolutely loved this.

  10. Nice shots. Everyone looks like they are having such an enjoyable time.

  11. We saw this the last time we were there except our days were already full but def. doing it next trip!

  12. I wish they had something like this on my side of state. My niece and nephew are visiting this weekend and I bet they would love to go on a pirate adventure.

  13. This looks like so much fun! Wow! I wish I lived closer to take my kids.

  14. My boys would be thrilled to take a ride on this ship. Being a pirate for a dad is very cool.

  15. Oh how fun. I would love watching all this. How fun. Anything to do with boats gets my attention.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  16. What a fun pirate experience. The captain and Barnacle Bill sound like real characters!

  17. How cool! Never knew this existed. Will have to take my nephews next time I visit them in Miami.

  18. Guaranteed fun for the kids! I am sure any little one would love going on a Blue Foot Pirate Adventure! So many cool activities to do in Florida!

  19. This looks like such a fun experience for kids! I have 2 pirate loving kids that would love to do this!

  20. Looks for an amazing time for any kid!

  21. This looks like so much fun. My kids would love to do soemthing like this!

  22. What an adventure! I love how interactive this is. I am sure the kids loved shooting that naughty pirate right back!

  23. The kids will definitely be excited for this, I mean, you get to be a pirate for a day and battle Barnacle Bill, what can be more fun than that? It's an experience they'll never forget, that's for sure!

  24. Great scenery photos. Looks like your son had a great time. I bet kids love that place.

  25. How fun is this I bet My boys would love this adventure

  26. My Kids would love this... especially the water fight.

  27. That sounds like a lot of fun indeed, especially when you want to leave a tip. That sure let's one know it was good. We hardly carry cash around too because the cat would eat it lol

  28. No doubt my boys would adore something like this. What fun!

  29. This is really a fun adventure, I bet my hubby would love this

  30. This really sounds like it was worth every single dollar you spent! What a unique adventure-don't think I have ever heard of one like it before.

  31. What a cool experience! My pirate loving kids would enjoy this!

  32. What a fun experience, I bet my boys will love this too

  33. That looks like so much fun. My girls would have a blast there. I hope someday we'll be able to do this too.

  34. Hahaha this reminds me of that pirate themed birthday I had as a kid. Such a brilliant adventure and looks like so much fun.

  35. I am sure my kids will adore this one as they love to be in water all the time.

  36. This is a nice adventure. When my son gets a little bit older, I am sure that he is going to like this.

  37. OMG this looks like so much fun for all kinds of kids big and not so much lol Have a total blast this summer!

  38. Looks like this was a fun event.
    Your son looks definitely festive!

  39. Now this look like one of those things kids will talk about for years. I will need to add this to the list of things to do. Thanks for sharing

  40. This would be a fantastic way to spend the day with the kids. It looks like a ton of fun.

  41. OMG SOOOO much fun! My two would LOVE this.

  42. This is really amazing. Great and fun activity for the kids indeed!

  43. How many kids get to say that they were a pirate for a day and that they went into battle with a sneaky one too! It's definitely an adventure that kids will love and it's worth the trip!

  44. Omg how fun!!!! My daughter would love this! Next time I'm in FL definitely doing this :)

  45. Ahoy, matey! I want to experience being there, this is just so cool! I've always been a discreet but passionate admirer of pirate culture, I'm so glad my trip to Florida can pass through this one.

  46. My kids would have gone crazy for this when they were younger! What a cool experience for the family.

  47. My grandson loves pirates. He would have a great time there. To bad we live in Canada.

  48. Look at all the fun and adventure!
    I love it.
    I think the kids would definitely have a fun time hanging out there.

  49. My kids would love to visit something like this. They are huge pirate fans.

  50. My little matey would get a kick out of becoming a pirate & going on an adventure. It looks like a cool way to explore & have fun with the kids.

  51. We haven't been to FL in a few years but that's always something we've talked about doing when we're vacationing there. I'm gonna have to book mark this so I'll remember next time we go. It looks like a lot of fun!

  52. Oh my what a great place to go with your family!

  53. This would be a wonderful place to take the family for a vacation! What fun!

  54. There is a similar type of place up north here that I wanted to take the boys to when they were younger....oh well. This place looks like a blast for the kiddos. Glad you and your son had a great time!

  55. This looks like so much fun! I bet my twins would love this! They love pirates!!!

  56. Aye, matey. Looks like a bloomin' good time.

  57. This looks so fun! I bet my kids would have a blast doing this.

  58. What a great deal for such a fun experience. I've never been to Southern Florida, but this definitely sounds like quite a treat for the kids.

  59. Anything pirates we are there! This place looks like fun!

  60. I really love all of the activities on this pirate adventure. It's so much fun for the kids when they are engaged through the entire experience.

  61. Oh my goodness, this looks hysterically fun! My kids would love this and that is a great deal for those pirate accessories

  62. What a neat adventure! The houses near the water are gorgeous, aren't they?!

  63. My son will surely love this. He likes pirate themed parties and he is wishing it for his 12th birthday.

  64. I think my boys would love doing this on vacation! I'll have to keep it in mind when we visit Florida!

  65. What a fun adventure. My boys are all about pirates. They'll be so excited to try this.

  66. Pirates are too fun for the kids. This sounds like a wonderful adventure. My girls would love to dress up as pirates and join the fun.

  67. That looks like such a fun day out! I bet the adults enjoyed themselves as much as the kids!

  68. Love the pirate make-up! I think I would love to do this as part of a south Florida honeymoon trip!

  69. That looks like so much fun! I am visiting next month!

  70. Oh wow I have never heard of this attraction! My son would love this - I'll have to look into it as we're heading to Florida this summer! Thanks!

  71. Wow, this looks like a BLAST and something my boys would LOVE! Thanks, I'll have to keep this in mind when we head that way!

  72. I am in South Florida also! I bet my boys would love this. So much fun!

  73. This looks like a fabulous adventure. My kids would definitely love it here! Thank you for letting me know aboutit.

  74. This looks like so much FUN!!! My kids would love this, the face painting and costumes are right up their alley!

  75. this looks too cool and I bet it would make for lots of fun memories - I need to check this out sometime

  76. Oh my gosh! My son loves pirates and would totally love to do this!

  77. I don't have kids yet, but heck I think even my husband would like this! Sounds like a blast!

  78. They should have one for adults, too.

  79. I missing Florida! When I lived there we never got to do anything. Now that I'm older I'm learning about all those cool spots! 25.00$ is a good deal for this much fun!

  80. Oh my gosh! Forget the kids, I want to do this myself. I'd have a blast lol

  81. I just showed this to my son. He wants to go here so I guess I need to plan things now.

  82. This looks like so much fun! I love the whole pirate theme and love that they get the kids involved with face painting

  83. Indeed a nice treat for fans and enthusiasts of pirates and the likes.

  84. My daughter might like to do this. It's a different thing to do which I like.

  85. Now this looks like a fun adventure!

  86. my niece is headed that way for Easter and this would be a fun place to visit. Her son is 10 and daughter is 12 so they would still have some fun, heck I would enjoy it

  87. My nephews would get such a kick out of this! It looks like big fun.

  88. That looks like so much fun! I went on something similar as a child and still remember parts of it!

  89. This looks like a reasonably priced activity. I love Ft. Lauderdale, and my kids would enjoy this.

  90. Oh wow, this is really cool! Not just a boat ride, but a pirate adventure! Very clever!!

  91. Look like a lot of fun. Didn't know it was even there.

  92. My granddaughter would love this place it looks like a lot of fun :)

  93. This looks like an amazing visit.

  94. This looks like such a fun place for kids!

  95. What a fun place to take the kids! I know that my three kids would have a blast on this ride. I will definitely have to check it out the next time we are in Florida. Thanks for sharing!

  96. Arg Matey! Looks like a swashbuckling adventure!

  97. looks like a lot of fun


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