March 19th is World Monopoly Day! #PlayLikeHasbro

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. All opinions stated are genuine and my own.

Today is World Monopoly Day, woot! The game has changed a little since I was a kid, and it's definitely gotten a lot more variations, editions, and types in its inventory (you can even play on the video game consoles), but the original classic is still my favorite!

Free Parking Cash Load in the Middle.
Do you do it, or do you stick to the rules?

It seems like everyone has played this game at one point in their lives, and it also seems like players have their own way of doing things too. For example...the money in the middle! Do you, or don't you? We definitely do. We go all in, putting all fees and taxes collected (unless they're paid to a player personally) in the middle. Whoever lands on Free Parking...gets the lucky pot, and oh how we all want that lucky break! :)

So many people seem to have a favorite token too. I used to only play the dog when I was a girl These days I'll play with any token, but I do think the latest addition, the cat, is as cute as can be.

I like my money lined up nicely under the board, and when I run out of a certain denomination (notice the missing 50's), I scooch everything over so it stays neat. I know not everyone does that...

Prime example, my 8-year-old, he's definitely a 'one money pile' kind of guy. ;)

He doesn't line those properties up nicely either...but I'll tell you what, this boy kicks rear end at Monopoly! He's agressive, risky, and buys every single thing he can buy without hestiation.

That's my token IN jail, and my youngest son landed on 'just visiting.'
That's just a recipe for disaster when it comes to taunting. ;)
He's also not beyond a little heckling while I'm sitting in Monopoly Jail and he comes to visit. -_-

And on that note, let me just say, "Go to Jail. Go Directly to Jail. Do Not Pass Go. Do Not Collect $200" is one of the worst cards in the game, don't you think? Unless of course, it's an opponent who is getting it. ;)

Monopoly does have a new update to it with the optional red speed dye. We haven't used it yet. I wanted to refamiliarize myself with the game as I played it growing up, and introduce it to my son in the same way. We will use that dye next time though, just to see how we like it.

The game we played was a smashing success.  My son loved his first go at Monopoly and he's already asking when we can play again. This is a game that has staying power, that's for sure, and with good reason, it's absolutely a world favorite.

Happy World Monopoly Day!


  1. Hi Rosey - we loved monopoly as kids ... I haven't played for years ... then of course we have Bond Street and Mayfair .. but hey ho - property in a central city would be good!

    Cheers - wonderful age to play games ... happy weekend - Hilary

  2. I love this game. Played it for years and years.

    Have I told you how handsome your son is? I thought so.

    Have a fabulous weekend. ☺

  3. If there is one game that deserves it's own day named after it-it is Monopoly!! I still have one of the original games up in my closet! I have played some of the newer versions including the on line version--but for me they will never take the place in my heart that the original one did and still does.

    1. I completely agree. Monopoly is a time honored classic when it comes to game night. I need to buy a new board for our home.

  4. I chuck it all in the middle too at my zoo. Some games can take days though lol

  5. I played as a kid, but we don't play now because my wife always wins. She can have all the crap properties and still kick my butt.

  6. He's a 'one money pile' kind of guy? Smart thinking!

    Hi Rosey :)

  7. I always love monopoly as a kid. I have to play it with my kids.

  8. I had no idea it was World Monopoly Day. Didn't even know there was such a day. We love monopoly in our house. It's our favorite family game!

  9. Oh wow - I had no idea there was even a world monopoly day - I totally need to go and grab our board out! x

  10. I have always loved Monopoly! I also liked to line my money up under the board like you do!

  11. Monopoly is a classic and will always be one of my favorites! It makes for good quality time with family and friends. No matter how many variations, my only choice would be the original one.

  12. My kids love this game! It's a great family game!

  13. I totally missed it - I forgot! We love this game.

  14. Monopoly is a classic. There are now so many versions of it, but the original is the best. You never get tired of it! (I always wanted to be the iron, and once it got lost. We had to buy a whole new set, just so I could have the iron!)

    1. We have a few different editions here - but always seem to go back to the classic board, the others seem more collectable. x

  15. We have Monopoly Empire and it's awesome! It's somewhat similar to the original, but less complicated (and a lot faster!).

  16. We love Monopoly... well sort of. I used to Love it but now my kids beat me... now they love it more, but I still play and we all enjoy it as a family lol

  17. I loved playing, but we need to find one for our family right now.

  18. Never really played Monopoly or any games!

  19. I miss playing this board game. Brings back memories of the good ol' childhood!

  20. I haven't played monopoly in maybe 3 years. I love board games.

  21. Monopoly has been one of my favorite games since childhood. I am so excited that they have a whole day dedicated to playing it.

  22. I love and I hate this game. I love it because its fun and I hate it coz it takes way too long to finish hahaha.

  23. My husbands birthday is on March 19th and he loves monopoly... Coincidence?? I think not!

  24. Victoria HeckstallMarch 21, 2016 at 4:10 AM

    I love this game, I will teach my kids how to play this. I think my kids would love this game

  25. I remember this, when we was young we always play this game

  26. Monopoly is a great game for all family and friend, we played it for years! Happy World Monopoly Day!

  27. We love Monopoly! It really is such a fun family game!!

  28. I love Monopoly! I used to play with my parents when I was a kid and had a lot of fun :)

  29. my daughter and husband love this game, and i am frustrated everytime coz i never get to learn how to play this at all haha

  30. I think it's awesome that there is a world monopoly day. It's my favorite game. The grandkids and I love board games and have spent many a rainy or cold weekend, playing monopoly.

  31. I love Monopoly!! I am always the old boot! Must get this out of the cupboard and play it over easter

  32. My kids just busted out the game of Life. I better go tell them Monopoly is up next :)

  33. who knew there was a World Monopoly Day? It used to be my favorite game when I was a kid!

  34. I remember the monopoly I gave to my favorite nephew last year...he really liked it :)

  35. I love Monopoly!! My son is forever asking us to play this game!!

    1. My kids love it also... except they seem to always win, maybe that is why they ask, so they can beat us? lol

  36. I think everyone gets their gaming start with Monopoly. Pretty soon he'll be ready for more complex ones!

  37. I had no idea that there was a World Monopoly Day! I should have gathered the kids up and played a game or two!

  38. All of my boys love this game! I feel like it's fun in the beginning, then it takes a long time to play.

  39. Omg monopoly was a family favorite growing up! Swear we played it at least once a week after dinner!

  40. Monopoly is such a classic and fun game to play as a family. Nice way to celebrate the day.

  41. I have yet to play monopoly with my kids. My oldest just turned 10, so I think he is old enough now to get the concept.

  42. Monopoly is still one of the best games ever made. I always wanted the car or the dog.

  43. We have fun playing Monopoly. It is a great game for family's to play.

  44. Monopoly is such a great game. My kids love it too!

  45. Oh my gosh I used to play this all the time with my brothers. I haven't played it in a long time!

  46. I have always loved Monopoly. I think all three of my children are finally old enough to make this the star of our family game night.

  47. I loved playing Monopoly with my siblings.
    When our son is a little older we'll introduce him to Monopoly.

  48. It really is one of those games that you go back to play again and again. I have been trying to get Jason to buy me the Nightmare Before Christmas version for years. Looks like I'm gonna have to buy that one for myself, or I'll end up looking like Jack Skellington while waiting for someone to buy it for me ;)

  49. We love Monopoly and haven't played in a long time. It's a great game for families.

  50. I always pick the iron and we're all in the middle. We start free parking with $200, and we also let people pay $200 to get out of jail after they try at least once to roll doubles.

  51. Monopoly is such a favorite! I was always terrible at it though.

  52. We have a kid's version of Monopoly, but they're probably old enough to play the original. I need to pick up a new game.

  53. Game night is such a fun way to spend time with the family. Monopoly is always a great choice.

  54. Looks like fun! We should play this. We need something new because we often play scrabble and chess.

  55. One of the best games ever made. This is awesome. I had no idea there was a monopoly day. My family loves playing this game and we have since I was little! - Jeanine

  56. We love Monopoly, it is the perfect game for family night!!

  57. Wow, we missed World Monopoly Day! ;)
    This really is such a classic game!

  58. Love this! Monopoly is my favorite game, I'l have to join in on the fun.

  59. I had no clue there was a Monopoly Day! How cool is that? we love playing Monopoly here :)

  60. I love Monopoly and was so excited when my boys were old enough to teach them how to play! We have since graduated from Monopoly Junior Party to the original version and love our Family Game nights!

  61. I love Monopoly but I haven't played it in quite a while.I'd buy one and play it with my family.

  62. We love monopoly. Hubby just noticed that they are releasing a mustang as a piece in one of the versions :)

  63. I should get this out to play with my boys soon! They really do love the game.


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