75 Years of Fun: Polaroid

Disclosure: I received product compensation to help facilitate the review. All opinions stated are genuine and my own.

When I was a small child (thankfully, we're not going to discuss how long ago that was), my grandfather got my grandmother a Polaroid camera for Christmas. I remember she was so tickled she let out a little happy squeal (bonus points to gramps!). For years afterwards, if there was a special moment, she'd go grab her Polaroid. Everyday moments got the 110 camera (ha, see that does date me!) but special ones got the Polaroid, so whoever was there could instantly take home a picture too.

Today, everyone it seems, has a smartphone that they use to take pictures. Those are fun and can be instantly uploaded to Instagram or some other website to share. Do they get printed though? Not all too often.

Not too long ago, a bloggy friend sent me a Polaroid camera. I was excited! I hadn't seen one since my gram's I discussed above. The camera has changed a little from the one I remember. It's smaller, and the pictures are too, but it's still awesome (and I wasn't the only one who thought so!). It's also very easy to use...even my 7-yr.-old can do it with ease.

Adults and children alike think this camera is fun.

Waiting for the film to develop in front of you is still, just cool.
That's one of many reasons Polaroid has been a family favorite for so many years!

The Polaroid instant camera is fun for everyone in the room, most especially the person taking the picture, and everyone still wants to gather around it and see the picture as it develops (some things never change, and in this case, that's a good thing). We took ours to Disney at the start of the summer. The bottom-right picture at the very top of this post is my sister-in-law, husband, and youngest son at a character breakfast there. The pictures we took that morning, with about ten of us at the table made for a lot of happy. Everyone got to take an instant souvenir home (pictures are always the best souvenir to me), and they really got the conversation going. Everyone had a Polaroid memory, and everyone wanted to try their hand at the camera (which really is a breeze to use).

The back of the camera still shows how many pictures you have left, the film still develops right before your eyes, and the brand is still the highest of quality.  My favorite thing about the Polaroid camera we have though, which you probably gathered from what I wrote above, is that they're fun.

If you're looking for a cool gift to get for most anyone, I suggest considering the Polaroid Pic-300 Instant Print Camera. I'm thinking this might be a gift for more than one of the teens on my gift shopping list this year. You want to see a group of teens get giggly and happy in an instant? Break out the Polaroid. ;)

You can learn more about the camera by visiting the Polaroid website. You can also follow them on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and/or Instagram.


  1. i love polaroids....hard to find these days...they just look cool and vintage....and we used to use them for scavenger hunts too....

  2. What a fun review! I love taking pictures! There's something about old school photos that is just unique.

  3. Back when the news broke that Poloroid was no more...I was a pretty disappointed, because I had never had the chance to own one, and they're SO FUN. I'm glad that they made a comeback, and I really, REALLY want one of these new Poloroid cams (the purple one is in my wishlist already)! It's pretty cool that they're wallet-size photos now too, but I kinda miss those old square ones...
    Great review!

  4. I am SO JEALOUS! I would love to work with Polaroid! I used to have one (probably still have it in storage if I look!) Talk about great memories! I would have a BLAST with that prize right there! You are right.. This would be an AWESOME gift this season!

  5. Camera's have come a long way since I was young too. What a cool post.

    Have a fabulous day Rosey. ☺

  6. Wow - I haven't heard of Polaroid in soo long, and had no idea there was anything like this. I do remember how cool it was if I had a relative who was coming to visit who had a Polaroid that we could have a few pictures - and often not very clear! And now it is no big deal for kids to be able to snap away - they don't know the thrill of having it be special!

  7. Polaroids are one of my favorite things!!!! Great post my friend. My Mother had a Polaroid too. We couldn't wait to see the magic happen. xo

  8. That's amazing it's still going when all other print film has died.

  9. I remember the days of Polaroids. It is fun to see a printed picture - everything is on a screen these days! Glad Polaroids are still around.

  10. My dad still has his old Polaroid. I think it's great they are still around after all these years!

  11. I remember Polaroids! I loved waiting for the picture to come through. I didn't know that they were still around.

  12. I loved my Polaroid. I sure miss it. I saw that Fuji had the instamax and now it looks like Polaroid has a new camera and its similar to that. I might have to get one.

  13. Oh fun! We had a Polaroid when I was young and had so much fun with it!

  14. These are always going to be lots of fun, because even with digital cameras there is nothing like instantly printing out that memory!!

  15. Wow! Polaroid is STILL making these kinds of cameras? That's really cool.

  16. I want one! I have some old Polaroids cameras at home. I love them.

    1. Polaroids are the most fun cameras ever. They're PERFECT for making goofy pictures. You get to see the silliness immediately.

  17. Mad jealous!! Polaroids are so fun!!!!

  18. OMG I would LOVE to have a Polaroid camera again!

  19. Never even knew it was still going. But they were always fun indeed

  20. There's something so satisfying about watching the photo develop before yours eye. Our kids would probably consider it amazing new tech!

  21. I love Polaroid cameras. I would definitely get one of these - I think my son would love it!

  22. I have not used one of these in decades probably, what fun for your child to use one.

  23. Polaroids! The first time I saw one, I was sure it was magic.

  24. I didn't realize that Polaroid was still in business. I used to love those cameras as long as I was taking the pictures and they weren't being taken of me!

  25. I had no idea that Polaroid was still making cameras. I totally want one of those in a really big way!

  26. We had a Polaroid when I was growing up, it was a lot of fun :) It's nice to know that they are still around!

  27. I have not seen one in years. Loved them when kids were young.

  28. Oh the memories. My mother loved hers - and took truly crappy photos with it. Her fault, not the camera...

  29. We have something similar too and it's really so much fun at parties and gatherings!! There's something special about watching a special moment materialise in a photo right before our eyes :)

    Ai @ <a href="http://www.sakuraharuka.com/'> Sakura Haruka </a>

  30. I always wanted a polariod! I might have to get this one for myself!

  31. I LOVE Polariod! Especially for parties and events. So glad they're still in business!!

  32. I had a Polaroid camera when i was growing up. I can remember the excitement of waiting for the pictures to develop.

  33. This is so awesome ! Polaroid cameras are the best, I've always wanted one.

  34. I have some fond memories of taking Polaroid pictures with family and friends back in the day. I can't believe they are 75!

  35. Polaroids are still so much fun. Even though everything is digital now, it's nice to get an instant photo.

  36. Wow! I've always loved Polaroids! Always! They are so fun and waiting those few seconds for the photos to come out are exciting! I need to find myself one! This is great!

  37. I was just thinking about Polaroid cameras the other day and how much fun they were! Only thing is that if my kids got a hold of it, they'd be no film left in a matter of seconds. I still want one though :)

  38. I remember polaroids! It is such a handy thing, not many people print pictures anymore, but there is something about actually looking at a hardcopy photo album.

  39. How fun! I'd love to use a polaroid!

  40. I still use Polaroid today. This brand is timeless, really!

  41. I remembered polariod cameras. I love them and glad that they are still around.

  42. We recently bought our daughter one of the newest polaroid cameras and she loved it. Hers is purple.

  43. My friend has a polaroid camera and we took so many fun photos. It is fun to see the photo develop in front of your eyes.

  44. I had no idea they still made them. They were pretty hi-tech in their day!

  45. I remember what Polaroids were like as a kid, times have changed now everything is digit!

  46. I remember my first Polaroid! It's amazing how much things have changed since then! :)

  47. I want one! It would be so fun to play with as a family!

  48. I remember when I had a Polaroid camera as a kid. It would be fun to play with one again.

  49. My daughter has a modern day polaroid camera. It is pretty cool that polaroid has been around for that long

  50. We actually had been looking for a polaroid camera recently. Checking it out!

  51. I used to love to use the Polaroid camera back in the 80s. I didn't realize they still made them!

  52. I feel badly for the entire camera industry. Many camera shops have had to shut down with the ease of cell phone photos.


  53. We actually bought one of these for my youngest son. He loves taking photos and seeing them immediately.

  54. I remember having my own Polaroid camera too! How exciting that was shaking the picture waiting for the image to appear. Good times! I love how they are still making products that appeal to younger generations, but still have that nostalgic feel!

  55. I miss having polaroids around actually! They were fun since you couldn't replicate it ever again, one of a kind photo :)

  56. Who doesn't love Polaroid! It's a cult classic!

  57. Made so many memories with Polaroid. Happy 75 years!

  58. How cool! That's really fun looking, I used to use the polaroid my parents had all the time. Fun times

  59. When I was a kid I always wanted one but we couldn't afford it now that I am older and can afford it its not easily available

  60. I loved my Polaroid camera as a kid. I actually bought my son one on eBay a few years ago and he uses it occassionally, just wish it wasn't so expensive for film.

  61. I second that I loved Polaroid cameras when I was kid as well. I love this idea and it would be great for the holidays. Thanks for sharing

  62. I'm so getting one for my scrap book!

  63. We had a Polaroid camera and it was so much fun when my kids were growing up. Then digital came along and we kind of forgot about it. I have to see if I can find it.

  64. My mom often complains about that same thing-all our pictures are now just stored either on the computer or on our mobile phones and nothing gets printed. With the Polaroid camera, I'm sure she will be happy to have the pics printed and organize them into an album of memories.

  65. I had no clue that the Polaroid camera was still around. We had an old one, and there's just something about this camera that is very nostalgic.

  66. I actually have a small collection of old Polaroid cameras. I love them. I don't know why. Just do! I want this one too!!!

  67. I remember these from when I was young. I think it's awesome that they are bringing them back again.

  68. I have wanted one for ages, they are amazing.

  69. I miss my old Polaroid! Glad it's making a come back. So fun!

  70. Aww, we used to have one when I was a kid. :)

  71. My daughter was recently showing me some polaroid products on Amazon remembering the days when we used to have one. 75 years is a long time.

  72. I miss my Polaroid camera, it was the best. So much fun. I love that they have one available now, it really is great for parties and gatherings!

  73. I love Polaroid Cameras! I enjoyed them when I was younger. I miss them. I bet my girls would love one too. I will go to the site and check them out.

  74. I didn't know they still had these! I so want to get one for my daughter!

  75. I got addicted to photography after using my first Polaroid! I want to get one for my girls to use!

  76. That is so awesome! My mom had a Polaroid when I was a kid and I thought it was THEE coolest thing ever!

  77. I don't care how great a smart phone is there is just something about seeing that picture pop out of the camera!!! My kids would die!! :)

  78. I know Polaroid is a good one. It is hardly to find Polaroid these days. Almost everyone use DSLR :D

  79. Lucky you. What an awesome product to review.

  80. Oh my goodness, I remember polaroids! I used to wave them around to get the picture to come out faster. Wow, those were the days!!

  81. I used to love waiting for the image to appear on my grandmother's polaroid.

  82. I love the Polaroid cameras. We could totally use this in our family.

  83. I am a huge photography nerd I really enjoy taking picures and my 7 year old daughter has followed in my foot steps and is a camera ham. I would love to get this for her. I have one on layaway but it's not as cool as this Polaroid

  84. I used to have a polaroid when I was younger it was so much fun to take pictures with.

  85. Polaroid photos are so cool. I've been thinking of picking up an instax camera just for fun.

  86. Most of our kids today don't know what a Polaroid is at all. lol My grandparents always had a Polaroid camera so my kids know what they are for sure. I would love to get this one for my youngest son who will be graduating next year and love taking pictures of everything. Thanks for sharing.

  87. What a great review. I love Polaroid. I took one of the tiny little cameras to SPain and had a blast developing photos on the spot years ago.

  88. I used to have a Polaroid about 20 years ago. It was so much fun and I loved the instant gratification of the almost immediate picture.

  89. My parents had a Polaroid when I was a kid. I do take pictures with my phone, but have a super outdated one and don't have a chord to upload pictures on my computer. I use a digital camera on a regular basis, but rarely print pictures out. Perhaps a Polaroid is what I need at this point.

  90. I have very fond memories of my Grandma and her Polaroid camera. This is a great "retro"gift idea. I think I need to introduce my son to the joy of watching those pictures develop!

  91. Oh wow, I didn't know they still had these. Now I want one! =)

  92. I know that Polaroids are making a comeback right now. I have seen them popping up here and there. They are totally fun - especially for little ones.

  93. Polarids are so fun! So hard to find these days too.

  94. I coveted the Polaroid camera like nothing else, too fun.

  95. Polaroid brings back some really nice memories. I remember how cool I felt when I first got a Polaroid. Saw the Instant Print Camera recently and I feel like I HAVE to have it for Christmas! Going to add it to my list!

  96. Polaroid has sure come a long way. My first camera was a polaroid and I loved it! I need to get my son one.

  97. Hi Rosey - this post pushed the polaroid's button! I used to love those too - do the photos still fade ... but wonderful to know they're still around.
    Cheers Hilary

    1. I'm not sure if they fade. We'll find out sooner or later. ;) I have a Polaroid my grandma took of me in high school that's still clear. I have one of her and my grandpa together too, that I cherish. :)

  98. I remember our first polaroid camera. That was so many years ago.

  99. This takes me back, I love Polaroid cameras and had no idea they still make them!

  100. We still have quite a few of the older models in storage!

  101. Polaroid cameras are so much fun. We used them at work for a promotion this year. AMber N

  102. I always wanted to have a polaroid camera - it's super cute and always fun to work on!

  103. This is so cool! I have always wanted a Polaroid camera!

  104. I had no clue Poloraid was still around. My father worked for Nikon, so we were never allowed to have one :)

  105. AMAZING! My sister has something like this, the photos are much smaller but they're still instant. It makes every gathering so fun! There's something very special about Polaroid!

  106. I love Poloraid. I need to update my camera and this is a must for Christmas this year.

  107. I love that these are back! What a fun Christmas gift idea.

  108. ok, now you have me wanting a polaroid! so so neat!
    what sweet memories it brough you!!

  109. I miss my Polaroid camera! It was my favorite thing when I was a kid!


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