Cedar Point

A lot of you know we lived in south Florida for a very long time. No matter, every single year without fail, we have made our way to Ohio to visit friends, family and the amusement park. My kids love Disney World, but they love Cedar Point too, and if you ask them their favorite amusement park they always say Cedar Point, hands down. My kids are all thrill-seekers (the second oldest joined the craze a few years back), and no one beats Cedar Point for roller coaster thrills.

Cedar Point has roller coasters galore (we're talking 15 or 16 of them), many of which win awards. This year the big draw for my daughter and I was The Gatekeeper, the new one they have, that is also the tallest, fastest and longest wing roller coaster in the world.

You can see in the picture above why it is called a wing coaster. I have to say, neither me nor my daughter were overly thrilled with this one though. It was a nice, calm, and very smooth ride. It was fun that it was new and that it went through two gate-like structures over the entrance of the park, but it didn't really do it for us. That is probably true because we are spoiled by the really fast, really big coasters, like my favorite below.

To me, THIS is a rollercoaster. Oh my gosh, this thing is fun! Top Thrill Dragster goes 0-120 mph in less than four seconds and it takes you 420 feet into the air.

I've ridden this many times before, but I didn't ride this year. Baby girl went solo (she wasn't missing out on it no matter what, that's my girl). :)

Running through the water was f.u.n. for little man, but it was chilly on and off all day so we had to change him, and quick. That wasn't his priority, but it was mine. ;)

We always have a great time at the park. This year was different for us though because we were missing a kid! My second oldest grew up and moved to another state, so he wasn't here to just run off with his sister all day. It's more fun for her, by far when he's there. When my oldest and his wife come, that's even better because the four of them run off all day together. When it's just us old folks and her little brother, she's stuck with a lot of the littler rides, like the one above, hahaha.  She's a trooper though, and never complained once. In fact, she laughed a lot of the time, but next year we're going to have to get one or both of her grown brothers home for the trip.

I did get to ride this with my daughter this year, and it was fun. It was also kind of peaceful. You float out of your seat a little at the highest points, and you can see the water (Lake Erie) while you're up there, so it's nice.

Cedar Point has three huge areas for children (and one smaller one), and my youngest loves them all. There are so many rides, many of which I rode as a child, and just as many, or more that are new. There's also a big Snoopy bounce house, and shows put on by Charlie Brown & the gang at various times throughout the day.  My son loved everything, but this year his big thing was the sky ride pictured above. 5 times he wanted to go across it, lol, and 5 times he did. :)

Little man also loves the train ride because it takes you around the park. You can stop in Frontier Town if you want and get off, where there are a lot more rides, and things to do, or you can go all the way around like we like to do because you come across scenes like the one above. They've got these characters doing things like actually playing banjo music, putting out burning flames, etc. And it's fun. This area is like this year-round, but right now Cedar Point is also completely decked out for Halloween. If you're looking for a place to take your kids for Halloween festivities, this is it. The daytime is child-friendly, and the nighttime is geared much  more for the grown ups. And the best part, the rides are still running, woot!

If you're anywhere near Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio, I say go go go!! Summer wouldn't be summer without Cedar Point, even if you don't get around to it until Fall. ;)

Cedar Point Amusement Park in Sandusky, Ohio is open Friday-Sunday for the remainder of October. You can find the calendar here.


  1. We used to go to Cedar Point often when my Daughter was young.... then when she had her girls... we went some more.

    1. I didn't know that, Terry. Cedar Point is one of my absolute most favorite places to be in the whole wide world. :)

  2. My kids love amusement parks! I like taking them, but I don't go on many of the rides....and you'll never catch me on a roller coaster.

    1. My little one's looking like he's going to be a coaster enthusiast. He doesn't get scared on any of the kiddie ones. We'll see. :)

  3. With my roller coaster fear I don't reckon I'll be hitting Cedar Point up anytime soon :)

    1. They've got a hotel with a beach, and tons of other fun stuff to do too. :) It's too cold now, but they've also got a fun water park.

  4. Wow those are some big rollercoasters, never been on one of that caliber before. And you are less fun? Next time you need to jump through the water too lol

    1. Dad plays shooting and sword games and rolls around on the floor pretending to be dead, hahaha, mom does not. That makes dad instantly more fun. ;)

      I wouldn't be adverse to playing in that water if it was overly hot outside. :)

  5. Looked like so much fun and Rosey my husband is definitely the more fun out of the two of us, too!! :)

    1. Really, with the girls? How fun for them!

      I like to do the calmer stuff like reading, puzzles, games, building blocks/Legos, etc. Dad jumps out from around corners and likes to get shot. ha!

  6. I have never heard about Cedar Point, but it does look fun.

    1. I bet your grandson would love it. Great summer trip idea for next, I dare say. ;) :)

  7. I've never heard of Cedar Point before but I know if my kids, well the oldest two, get to go there they would love it. My daughter LOVES roller coasters. There's always some fear in me that refuses to go, possibly because I'm so afraid of heights. Looks like everyone had fun as well.

    1. I grew up with Cedar Point, literally, it was my hometown, so I grew up loving it. My mom liked to go sometimes too, but she never rode a rollercoaster. :)

  8. I love amusement parks, but i am absolutely terrified of heights. On my first time on a big roller coaster, I was panicking so much that I didn't notice that my baby tooth fell of and that I bit my tongue to hard blood was spilt. horrifying.

    1. That is an awful story, sorry to hear you had that happen!

  9. Can you believe I can't go on a roller coaster because I get nauseated? I can't even look at one, for the matter...

    1. :( They have a gorgeous Ferris Wheel there, just huge, and I won't ride it because I get scared. Isn't that strange?? :)

  10. I have never heard of Cedar Point either but my daughter loves amusement parks especially roller coasters. I will certainly have to check it out.

    1. If she loves them, Cedar Point would be such a great trip!! It's often featured on travel shows and extreme coaster shows because it's so top of the line!!! I cannot recommend the park enough!!

  11. Oh my gosh, this looks like so much fun!

  12. Well, I'm very scared on roller coaster. No dare to try :)

    1. They have a lot of other things to do too, many that are relaxing or fun w/o the thrill factor. :)

  13. What an amazing place to have the most fun.

  14. I'll do the train ride. I don't think I'd survive the coasters. Not at all.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

    1. Sandusky is a water town, and the amusement park is surrounded by it on three sides. You'd probably have a grand time visiting. :)

  15. I'm not much of a thrill seeker... I was on a roller coaster when I was younger and it scared me into never getting on another one.... lol

    I do want to zip line though... go figure :-)

    1. I'm scared of Ferris Wheels. My daughter, youngest and I braved one a year or so back in Chicago and it got stuck one past the very top, hahahaa. That incident didn't help change my mind about Ferris Wheels. ;)

  16. I used to be scared with those rides, actually maybe even still now.. but I'd still love to try them out sometime, hehe

  17. We were at Cedar Point so many years ago that I can't even remember. We had a great time and it looks like you did too. Lots of good family fun.

    1. I have a book on the history of Cedar Point and it's really changed so much over the years, hasn't it?? Even since I was a kid it's changed a lot. I've always loved it there though, at every age. :)

  18. You can keep the rollercoasters and thrill rides. They scare me half to death.


  19. OH my gosh I feel queasy just looking at that winged contraption! I'm glad you were there and not me! ;-)

  20. That really is the best amusement park! We used to go every year, but haven't been in about 15 years now. Just waiting on the little one to grow, and we are so there!

  21. It really is THE park to go to for coaster enthusiasts. They sure don't slack on keeping things new and fresh there. It's probably been about 5 years since last I went now. Bummer!

    1. I figured you would know CP, being from Michigan once upon a time. :)

      I was born in Sandusky and we'd count the blue Michigan license plates that passed our house in the summer (cuz that's fun for a kid, lol). Lots of people from MI. went to Cedar Point. :)

  22. I used to be adventurous and loved taking the roller coasters but these days I am worried I will get heart attack if I join any ride so I just stop doing it ha ha...how sad! Btw, the last picture...I have similar one with my (skinny-bony husband) sat next to the skeleton and I put the title: soulmate :P

    1. hahahaha!! That's a good one. :) I bet he loves it. ;)

  23. I grew up in Ohio, so I have been to Cedar Point MANY times, though not recently. This post makes me think I need to write a blog about our first time there. I have a funny, funny story.

    Anyway, you are absolutely right that this is the Best Park for anyone who loves roller coasters. I also grew up going to King's Island, but Cedar Point was my favorite. I don't do round and round very well. And am not crazy about the coasters that go upside down (unless it is very quick and not often). I am not sure that I could do them at all now since I lost 70% of inner ear function in both ears. It makes "finding where you are in space" a challenge. When I am tired my compensation skills don't work as well and I get dizzy. I think that all of the upside down might really confuse my inner ear....::sigh::

    That ride that hangs you over the park and goes round and round... the one you describe as "peaceful" and "calm" because you can see the park and Lake Erie. That looks like a NIGHTMARE for little 'ole me with my inner ear problems. No way would I go on that EVER. hahahaha.

    So glad you had fun. Maybe the next time we visit Ohio we can go to Cedar Point again...

    1. I have a friend who ruptured an ear diving and she can't ride coasters anymore. :(

      I've never been to King's Island, but I'd love to go!

      I hope you publish your funny story. :)

  24. Oh yes, one of our family favorite parks...a real blast.

    1. They really know how to do it up for the kids too. I'm always impressed when I go and I go every year, lol.

      Thanks for the visit, Laurie. :)

  25. I've always wanted to go there but I'm so lazy. I have a major theme park five miles from my house and I've never once been there. My defense is that my kids are too young and can't go on all the crazy rides I want to go on. Maybe when they're older :)

    1. Def! when they're older. I bet you'll all love it. :)

      They do have some great kids sections though, & you can chill while you're watching the kiddos ride. :)

  26. i'm a chicken on rides. like really badly. my kids are braver than i am!

    1. They have tons of other things to do too. My mom doesn't like the big rides, but she always has a good time there. :) Thanks for the visit!

  27. This place sounds amazing! Wish I was closer!

    1. If you ever get the chance, I recommend going. It's impossible not to have a great time, especially if you love roller coasters.

  28. I would love ot visit Cedar Point! I love roller coasters and amusement parks like this!

    1. I miss these places when winter rolls around, you know. :)

  29. Honey my Big Coaster days are over too!!!! I'm with your hub!.lol...we haven't been there yet but it's on the list perhaps for Halloween...I rather not plan it otherwise I'll jinx it...where is your picture Screaming your head off on the Big one? LOL...Glad you guys had fun!

    1. We do sometimes buy those silly pictures! And we pull them out from time to time to laugh. Don't they always come out so ridiculous???

      I hope you go, Lizy, but take a coat! :)

  30. I've never been to Cedar Point. My boys would absolutely love it!!! I am not a big thrill seeker, so I would not be going on the coaster. No way, no how! :)

    1. They have lots of other things to do. We had an age gap problem this year and totally needed a teen with us to run off w/my daughter so she could enjoy the place better. Next year. :)

  31. This is obviously a place you all love ~ photos show it and are fantastic ~ glad you had a wonderful time ~ carol ^_^
    Thanks for visiting ~

    1. Hubby likes the amusement park he grew up with best, and I like this one best. I guess it's all a memory thing. :)

  32. Oh my gosh, I could never ride those rollercoasters! I get nervous just looking at the photos. Yeeeesh! ;)

    1. I get nervous seeing your bee pictures! It's fascinating, but I think I would be scared to do it!

  33. Oh that looks like such a fun time. I have never been there.

    1. If you were closer I'm guessing you'd go. They have really fun children's areas that make the admission price more than worth it. They really do go all out. :)

  34. I live in Texas now BUT i'm from Michigan... We went EVERY SUMMER!!! Although, I totally hate roller coasters lol

    1. My second oldest didn't like roller coasters until recently, and he always had a great time when we went too. :)

  35. Now that looks like a fun day out! I haven't been to a theme park in years but I used to love going on the fast, highest, rides x

  36. Looks like a very fun day, but those roller coasters look scary!

    1. I just focused on those because I love them, but they have a lot of other great things to do too. :)

  37. I can see that you all have a wonderful time when you visit Cedar Point Rosey! Oh how I wish I was brave enough to go on such rides. I note that you used to live in Florida. I have a lot of relatives living there.

    1. I did live there for 18 years. And I loved it. And I miss it, especially this time of year when it's evident the cold weather is coming. :)

  38. This looks like a great place to place to plan a family trip and just enjoy the fun and being together.

    1. It most definitely is all of the above. :) Thanks for your visit. :)

  39. Wow - that looks like so much fun! I bet your family had a blast!

  40. Heard about it but never been, it looks gigantic

  41. I hate Cedar Point. I grew up in Michigan, and so everyone would go there in the summers. I didn't make it until I was 25, though, and I went with my ex and two friends. I had never been on a roller coaster before, and my stupid ex started me out on the MaxAir. I got off and bawled like a baby. I closed my eyes during the Raptor. In the picture that they take of you while you're riding, I look like I passed out! haha I'm such a wuss, and I'm okay with that! I prefer to keep my two feet firmly planted on solid ground from now on.

    1. My mom doesn't like any of the big rides either and she makes no apologies for it. :) She still has a good time there though, strolling around and seeing the shows. She loves those Belgian Waffles too. :)

  42. i like Cedar point but haven't been since I was a teen and probably wouldn't go back since i am not a coaster person. I had fun one time though during a girl scout thing where I got to work in the concession stand making elephant ears.

  43. Oh man, I love Cedar Point! My dad took my brother and I when I was in 6th grade for vacation and it was so much fun! I haven't gone back since then, but I still think about it often :)


    1. I like most amusement parks, but this one's always my fave. :)

  44. Looks like you guys had a great time... I'm a chicken when it comes to coasters.. I'm more like your hubby, I will sit for hours and wait on the boys and my hubby to come back from long lines.. at least they are having fun, I still enjoy myself waiting... :-).. I know my hubby would LOVE this coaster...thanks for sharing

  45. I'm a big kid when it comes to rides, I go on all of them with my kids! as far as parks though, I have only been to Disneyland and the California Park and Universal. here where I live (Vancouver BC) we have one of the oldest wooden roller coasters in North America. What makes it scary is how rickety it is! You feel like it will collapse any minute!

    1. I've never been to Cali. I'd love to go and Disneyland would be the cherry on the sundae. :)

  46. Looks like so much fun! If you can believe it, I grew up in Cincinnati and have never been to Cedar Point. I think it is because we had King's Island down the road from us, so there wasn't as much of an incentive to go. I have heard they have the best roller coasters around though, so I would love to go!

    1. I grew up in Sandusky and never made it to King's Island. I'd still like to go though. :)

  47. how awesome... i have always heard of it, but we have never been there... maybe one day... although i am not a fan of roller coasters... lol, i am always nervous.

    1. There's tons of things for your son to do there, he'd love it, I'm sure. :)

  48. I'd be sitting on the bench with your husband.

  49. Hubby grew up in Ohio so he has been to Cedar Point a lot, we havent been at all.

  50. Cedar Point has always been on our list of parks to go to. I am not one for all of the rides, but I enjoy seeing my family ride them. Looks like everyone is having a good time.

  51. I've always been a thrill seeker when it comes to roller coasters. I'm sure that I would have loved this one and had a great time.

    1. They've got the best of the best when it comes to coasters. It's really an awesome place.

  52. I'm not sure if I have been to Cedar Point or not before (went to many places as a child), but it looks like a place to have a lot of fun!

  53. Roller coasters are awesome fun! I think I heard about that Gatekeeper one on the news. =0)
    Thanks for sharing all these fun photos.

    1. My mom sent me the newspaper clipping when it was being designed, so we were excited to give it a whirl.

      It looks cool with the riders sitting on the wings. :)

  54. Oh wow--I can't do roller coasters---EVER. I got sick on one as a kid and never wanted to do it again. These rides look SCARY but my kids would LOVE them!

    1. Kids do love this place! My kids get excited at the first sight of the coasters in the distance when we're driving up. :)

  55. Looks like great fun! I'm a wimp when it comes to big rides, give me a water fountain any day!

  56. I've always heard amazing things about this place, what a great place to spend a day with the family. Half those rides though I wouldn't go on. lol

  57. What a fun place. I have a feeling that Reagan is going to be addicted to roller coasters. Which is ok, it will just be Brian that gets to go on them with her. I'm over them. Damn getting older.

    (¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo

    1. There are some things I don't care about doing now that I would have done in a heartbeat as a young woman...bungee jumping is one.

  58. Rosey that looks do fun!! I would kill to try those roller coasters FUN!!

    1. I'd watch your little ones with my little on in kiddie land so you and hubby could go ride. :)

  59. Replies
    1. Coasters are fun. I love when there's a new one to try.

  60. I've never been to Cedar Point. It looks like it's got some fun (and maybe scary) rides! Glad you all had a fun family day out!

  61. What fun! This looks like a such a great place to visit.

  62. I have not been here but hear a lot about it. Looks like lots of fun, thrills and possible throwing up on those rides.

    1. Most of the rides are really smooth. I have a son who picked the one that isn't for his first, hahahahaa Isn't that how it goes sometimes. :) Good thing he liked it, but man, that was the way to get broken in, for sure. :) Have a great day, Dawn.

  63. My anxiety just went through the roof, just from seeing those photos! lol I used to be a thrill seeker, now I'm just an old woman that can't handle that stuff!

    Well, I'm not ACTUALLY old. But I feel like it. I'm such a bore. Fun photos!

    1. You're def. not a bore, I just saw the best Fall weather recipe on your blog, and it involved chocolate! Yum. :)

  64. I love roller coasters. This looks like a fun place.

  65. Actually, I have been to Cedar Point. I'd forgotten about that. A high school friend and I spent a long weekend there - it was fun. The first time I ever flew on a plane too (Chicago to Ohio)

    1. You were smart not to drive through Chicago traffic. ;)

  66. OMG this looks like so much fun!!! I love roller coasters and want to ride that ride that is sideways you have posted. I wish we had one close!!

    1. Cedar Point always has a feature on XTreme Coasters or World's Biggest/Fastest coasters, or something like that...and the park gets voted best coaster park too, if I'm not mistaken. It's really an awesome day or two out. If you stay on the property (which we did not this time), it's even better because you get in an hour early with no lines! :)

  67. Oh I am glad you had such a great time. I love major roller-coasters! There is a park here that has great ones. But I am not allowed to ride them because I get tremendous dizziness these days. You would think being on my Jessica Simpson heels would be dizzy enough, huh? Thanks for being such a loyal cheerleader, Rosey. Thanks!!!

    1. Are her shoes comfy? She's got some great designs but I've never gotten anything of hers.

      Thanks for the visit, Renae. :)

  68. Cedar Point is one of my all time favorite parks. I have such fond memories of going there as a child with my dad.

    1. It's something awesome that we have in common. :)

      Thanks for the visit!

  69. We have Canada's Wonderland similar to Cedar Point, I think it belongs to Cedar Point group of companies. Always fun to visit, we love kid's area - nice rides and multiple activities for children there.

    Fan R @TeddyOutReady

    1. We went to a park in Michigan at the beginning of the summer that they own and it was nice too. They do have fun play areas for the younger crowds! Thanks for the visit. :)

  70. I haven't been to Cedar Point in over 20 years! It was great fun and the best part was that your ticket purchase price paid for the rides too. We camped out for the night last time so we could do it all over again in the morning. lol

    1. We've stayed on the property too and that's the best way to enjoy it, for sure!

  71. That was a wonderful adventure!

    I would love to visit Cedar Point. I think I've only ridden on a roller coaster once.
    I was a wee kid.

    And big sister is such a sweet for enjoying the time with little brother.

    Glad you had such a fun time.

    P.s I probably wouldn't have let my kid in the cold water either...haha.

    1. She's a good big sis when she's not kicking him out of her room, bwuahaha

  72. I love roller coasters! I have never been to Crdar Point. My oldest son goes there. I need to add that to my bucket list.

    1. You should go with him, I have a blast when my grown kids are with me. :)

  73. Wow, my daughter took me on just a normal roller coaster at last year's show over a year ago now and I'm still recovering. I'm sure I use to love the rides and not entirely sure when I stopped.

    1. LOL, my daughter took me on some big water ride this summer that I'm still recovering from...must be an age thing. :)

  74. This post made my day! So very glad to know that I am not the only hubby who sits out on the big roller coasters! :)

    1. LOL, my hubby will be glad to know you're out there too. :)

  75. Oh. I'd love to go here! The roller coaster looks FABULOUS! I used to go on the Cyclone at Coney Island all the time, but I'm having the urge to find a new one. This is just my style! scain54 (at) aol (dot) com

  76. looks Iike a lot of fun

    knickgirl_3 at yahoo dot com

  77. We live in Michigan only several hours away from Cedar Point so have had the pleasure of going there many times, both when my husband and I were growing up and we also had fun taking our 5 kids there when they were growing up too. My husband and most of our kids are adrenaline junkie daredevils and go straight for the scariest stuff like Top Thrill Dragster.... luckily ONE of my kids. my son Elijah is like me and only likes the milder stuff and nothing too high up, our most daring ride was the Mine Ride Wooden (smaller) coaster


    1. I know the Mine Ride...I rode it many times when I was in high school. :)

  78. Cedar Point seems sort of like Carowinds in SC/NC. I used to love to ride roller coasters. I miss being able to do such things. I loved amusement parks. I wish I could enjoy them with my grandchildren.

    1. I love the amusement parks, and CP is my favorite. I haven't heard of Carowinds, but I bet I'd like to visit. :)

  79. Yikes, you wouldn' t catch me on most of the rides. However the frontier town and ride around the park would have been fun. Loved all the photos!

    1. That ride is nice, especially after you've been walking all day!

  80. That looks like my kind of roller coaster! I love roller coasters. Looks like a great place to go and have lots of fun!

    1. They're called the Roller Coaster Capital and that's w/very good reason. :)

  81. I've never been good with some of the rides at amusement parks. My stomach gets queasy right away, but I love watching everyone else twirl and spin!

    1. My husband for the most part, agrees. ;) Though he does have a couple of exceptions. :)

  82. looks like a lot of fun! i am not a roller coaster fan, but my daughter would love it

    1. My kids are grown and they still love it. :) My oldest two make their way there from different states to visit (ha, come to think of it, we do too... :) ).

  83. My little girl would love this. I used to love roller coasters but the older I get the more dizzy they make me.

  84. Sounds like an amazing ride and amusement park! I used to love riding the craziest ones. Now I just get nauseated, lol

  85. Wow. It sounds like a crazy fun park. I love the look of those rides.

  86. I actually have been here! It is a great place with a lot of amazing roller coasters. I definitely would love to go there again!

  87. I'd love to travel here! Looks amazing.


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